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*Ellies POV*

It's later in the day now, me and Caleb haven't talked since I ended things....

Since then Annie has joined me in her room, I can tell she believes Caleb but is trying to be supportive for me

"Thanks for being here for me Annie.." I whispered while blowing my nose

"Of course! No matter what happens between you and Caleb, you'll always be my best friend" she smiled handing me another tissue

I smile at her
"I'm just so confused..Why would he do that? I want to believe him because I love him but i know he's lying to me" I sob

She sighs "Ellie if I were you I would try find out for yourself, I honestly think Caleb is telling the truth..yeah, he's done stupid things before but he loves you, and I'm certain of that" she says rubbing my back

"Yeah maybe you right, but I can't" I say letting my head fall into my hands

"I know it's hard, but take your time, I'll be here every step of the way." She whispered hugging me

"I love you Annie. You want anything from downstairs? I'm gunna go grab some snacks"I ask raising from the bed

"Ohh snacks sound amazing right now" she laughed

I laughed and walked downstairs, not paying attention to my surroundings..

"Hey Ellie!" Hayley yelled jumping out In front of me

I jumped "oh my goodness hayhay! You startled me!" I laughed

She giggled "sorry, wanna come to Calebs room with me?"

My face dropped, she doesn't know yet, I have to tell her...

"Come sit on the couch, I need to tell you a little secret" I whisper leading her to the couch

"Tell me!" She giggled

I take a deep breath
"Hayley it's not a good secret... so, me and Caleb aren't together anymore" I said as I watch her face drop

"What?" She whispered

"I'm sorry hayhay, I know that's the last thing you want to hear" I whisper pulling her into a hug

"Ellie please don't leave!" She sobbed hugging me tighter

I began to cry again, that's when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

I open my eyes and say Caleb, his eyes all puffy and his hair was a mess, what have I done to him? It's all my fault..

He looked at me then looked at Hayley then back at me again.

"Hayhay?" He whispered

She whipped her head around to look at Caleb

"Why guys? Why do you guys have to break up!" She jumped up from the couch and ran up stairs leaving me behind

I threw my head in my hands and cried, that's when I felt the couch dip beside me

"You told her?" Caleb asked

I looked up
"What was I supposed to do, huh? Just walk around acting like we're strangers and confuse her?! yes, Caleb I did tell her" I whisper yell

He just sat there staring at me, I can tell he's been crying a bunch

"Why are you crying anyway? Weren't you the one who hurt me first?" I say fiddling with my hands

"Do I really have to say this again? It wasn't me... Ellie what do I have to do to make you believe me?" He said holding my chin and turning my head so I was looking at him

"I don't know Caleb" I whisper shaking my head

"I'm going to bed" And just like that he was gone, walking down stairs

I shake my head, walking over to the kitchen to get the snacks I planned on getting in the first place.


Hope you enjoyed!
Lots of love 💜💜

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