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*Ellies POV*

Today's the day, our first summer in our new home! I can't help but think how lucky I am to have a fresh start in life, my past has been pretty rough..

My Dad had left our family just over 2 years ago and to be honest I am actually glad he did. He was awful.. he would always find ways to start family arguments and ways to break the family apart. My younger sister and I always stuck together, our mum tried her best to keep the family together but one day he just left with no explanation.

After that we decided to move to Maryland and start fresh, most of our family lives here so it's a win win situation. We have been living in a beautiful house just by the lake for about a month now. I still haven't met any friends yet but I still have time. I mean it's only been a month.

I'm homeschooled so it's pretty hard to make friends, I had a few friends back home but they were childhood friends from when I was like 6....

"Ellie?" Harper asked
Harper is my little sister, she's 7, we get along really well but we do have the normal sibling arguments and always end up forgetting about it after about 30 minutes.

"Yes Harper?" Is say in the posh accent I always do.

"Diners ready, mom said after dinner we are going to meet our new neighbours" she said

"Okay I'll be down in a sec" I'm really exited to meet the neighbours I hope they have children who are around my age.

*d͟u͟r͟i͟n͟ ͟g d͟i͟n͟n͟e͟r͟*

"Mom, have you talked to the neighbours yet?" I asked.

"Yeah I have actually, I was talking to their mom and dad, their names are Katie and billy."

"Wait, they have kids?" Harper said almost falling off her chair in excitement.

"Yes they do" mom said giving a chuckle.
"They have invited us over for a swim in the lake, so clear your plates and go get ready"

"Sweet!" i yelled running up the stairs.

[hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter.. It only gets better from here!]

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