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*Calebs POV*

We are in the Uber on our way to to the beach, Everyone is here except for Ellies mom and Harper, they went food shopping for the hotel rooms.

"Okay guys who's ready for the beach!" My mom said turning on the camera

"I am!" Ellie yelled

"Me too!" Annie said raising her hand

"Can we get ice cream?" Hayley said in a mood.

Hayley is in a mood because Harper didn't come, she had the choice to go with Harper, but decided to go to the beach with us

"Yes we can get ice cream" Mom said

*Ellies POV*

So we just got out of the Uber and are walking to the ice cream shop, Hayley wanted to stop for an ice cream, so we all agreed

"What flavour you getting?" Caleb asked grabbing my hand

"I don't know, probably vanilla" I said looking up at him

"Vanilla?! Really? That's literally the most boring flavours" Caleb said laughing at me

"Hey! It may be boring but it's delicious!" I said playfully hitting him on the shoulder

"Whatever, im getting cookies and cream" he said smirking

"That's literally vanilla with cookie chunks in it" I said raising my eyebrows

"Erm I think that's the point" he said laughing

"Are you guys seriously arguing over ice cream flavours?" Annie said walking beside us

"Yes and isn't vanilla the best flavour ice cream?" I said trying to prove point

"It's good, but it's pretty boring" she said laughing

"See, told ya!" Caleb said poking me

"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes and laughing

We all ordered our ice creams and started to walk back to the beach, we brought chairs, towels and some beach toys for Hayley to play with.

We arrived about 5 minutes later and set everything up.

"Race you too the sea!" Annie said running

Me and Caleb looked at eachother and started to run.

"I'm gunna win" Caleb said looking back at me and Annie

And obviously he won...

"Ha ha, I won" he said pointing and sticking his Tongue out

"Yeah, very mature Caleb" Annie said, i laughed and started to get into the water

"Wow it's cold" I said lowering myself down

"Too bad!" Caleb yelled running up to me, pulling me in with him

"Caleb im gunna kill you!" i said moving over to him and throwing myself onto him, he caught me

"I'm sorry, I love you" he said kissing me

" I love you too" I said laughing

We swam around from a bit and tried to get Hayley in the water with us but she wasn't having it

"Guys! Come here for a sec" Katie yelled from the chairs

We all got out of the water and headed over to her

"So basically, Paige called, And she is flying out to Australia tomorrow to stay with us!" She said smiling holding the camera

"Wait really?!" Annie said

"Wait who's Paige" I said confused

"Oh, Paige is our cousin she's really nice" Hayley said turning to me

"Cool! I can't wait to meet her" I said smiling

"She's going to love you" Caleb said kissing my cheeck

"You guys ready to head home?" Katie asked

"Yep in so hungry!" I said gathering all of our things


We just got into the hotel room and we are waiting for Caleb to get out of the shower, it was a mistake letting him go first since he takes like 30 minutes to get out

"Caleb are you ready yet?" I asked outside the door

"Yes in a second!" He said , he said that like 10 minutes ago too

He finished, then I went in and got ready. We have ordered room service because we are too tired to go out anywhere. We brought a few board games with us, so we decided to play the after we ate dinner


"Boom! I win!" I said standing up

"Ellie wins!" Katie said filming

"She cheated!" Caleb said pointing at me

"Yeah whatever, you just being a sore loser" I said giving him a kiss

"Okay everyone, it's time for bed so we can get a good night sleep for Paige coming!" Katie said

"Night everyone" I yelled from mine and Calebs bed

"Goodnight" I heard Annie and Hayley yell from the bed beside us

I turned over to Caleb who has his arm open, ready for me to cuddle with him, I giggled and moved closer to him

"Goodnight Angel" he whispered kissing me head

"Goodnight bubba" I whispered


Hope you are enjoying this story, I'm having so much fun writing it!💜

Lots of love💜💜

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