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*Ellies POV*

We arrived at home, my eyes still filled with tears, really I was a hot mess. I managed to keep Katie from seeing my tears, but I have a feeling she knows somethings wrong

"Feel better sweetie! I'm gunna go back to the gym okay?" She said from the car window as I walked up to the garage door

"Thanks Katie!" I yelled with my back still turned, trying my best not to break down in front of her

I made my way through the door and into the kitchen, setting my bag on the counter trying my best to keep quite, I didn't want to see him right now

"Oh your home already?" Caleb asked coming up the stairs and walking towards me

"Not right now Caleb" I whispered

"What's wrong?" He said hugging me

I pushed him away from me, giving him a look of disbelief, how can someone say all of them horrible things and act like nothing happened?

"Baby? Why are you upset, did I do something?He asked

I shook my head and laughed, is he being serious right now?

I nudged past him and started to walk to Annie's room, not looking back but I could hear him following, I stopped and looked at him, his face dropped when he saw my tears

"Your unbelievable Caleb!" I yelled

"What?" He whispered

"Oh don't even! You know what I'm talking about!" I said still looking at him

"Ellie I-" he said looking confused

"Caleb it's over" I whispered looking at the ground

He stood speechless,
"What? Ellie I can't be without you!" He whispered coming closer to me, I backed away.

"Caleb, please your just making this harder" I whispered looking at him

"Why are you doing this? We're meant to be.. please don't do this" he said, really starting to cry

"Caleb, I've done you a favour and you know it" I said, walking to Annie's room leaving him standing there

*Calebs POV*

I stood there in tears, watching her walk away from me, I don't understand! After ever thing we've been through? And the talk we had earlier? It was all a lie

"I've done you a favour?" What does that even mean?

"We're back!" Annie yelled from the kitchen

I quickly wiped my eyes and made my way down stairs

"How's Ellie feelin?" She asked

"What do you mean how's she feeling?" I asked

"She got mom to take her home from gym cause she wasn't feeling good, Is she okay?" She asked confused

I felt my eyes begin to water again, I tried my best to hide it but it was to late.

"Caleb? What's wrong?" She asked moving closer

"Can I talk to you away from Hayley?"I asked wiping my tears before Hayley sees

If I told Hayley she'd be really upset, they are so close.

"Sure what's going on? Is everything ok?" She asked worried as we walked to my room

"Ellie broke up with me.." I whispered, I couldn't help but cry.

"What?! Why?" She asked

"I don't know, she came home from gym and she was crying, I asked her what's was wrong and then she broke up with me, she said she was doing me a favour or something?" I said crying even harder

"A favour? That's weird" she said, that's when her face dropped

"What?" I looked up at her

"Before Ellie left I saw her talking to Amanda! Maybe that has something to do with it?" She said pointing her finger

"Why would she be talking to Amanda? Ellie hates her" I said confused

"I don't know, I think I saw Amanda go up to Ellie first" Annie said

I sighed "oh no"...


Hope you enjoyed!💜
Lots of love💜


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