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*Ellies POV*

Today I'm the first one awake, which is surprising. I think I'm going to ask Katie to set up my channel today, and I'll ask Caleb to do a Q&A with me for my first video since Annie already agreed

Katie and Hayley got up not long after me, they are down getting breakfast for us, Caleb and Annie are still sleeping. I was getting pretty lonely so I decided to wake them up.

"Caleb" I whispered moving the hair from his forehead

"mhm" he said in his sleepy voice

"I'm lonely, get uppp" I said pulling him by the hand

"Okay okay I'll get up" he said sitting up

I gave him a passionate kiss, and played with his hair until he woke up more.

"I think I'm gunna start my channel today" I said looking up at him

"Really? That's great!" He said sitting up again

"Yeah and I was wondering if you would do a Q&A with me?, Annie has already agreed" I said

"Of course, I will silly" he said kissing me on the cheek

"Breakfast is here!" Katie said walking through the door

"Thank god, I'm starting" I said getting up from the bed

"Annie, wake up!" Hayley said walking over to her and poking her face

"Hayley I'm up!" She said brushing her hand away

"Well it sure doesn't look like it" Hayley said walking back over to us


"Katie could you set up my channel today?" I asked stuffing my face with a waffle

"Of course I can, I'm so glad you've decided to say it" she said smiling at me

"Yeah I'm really excited" I said smiling back

"She's going to do a Q&A for her first video, me and Caleb is going to be in it to" Annie said

"Okay, Hayley will be going swimming with Harper, so she won't be here" Katie said smiling at Hayley


"Thanks so much for setting this up for me Katie" I said sitting on the couch beside her

"Your welcome sweetie, and your done! She said handing me the computer

"So basically when you edit your video just attach it to that link and your all set!" She said getting up

"Me and Hayley will leave you guys too it, Text if you need any help" she said walking out the door

The three of us said goodbye and got everything set up for the video, we went to the shops yesterday got all the equipment I needed. We decided to film it on the balcony since there is good lighting

"Okay you guys ready?" I said sitting in the chair between them

"Yep all set" Caleb said smiling at me

"I'm nervous, how would I even start this?" I said laughing

"Just introduce yourself and say what we are doing" Annie said smiling

"Okay okay, 3,2,1.." I said

"Hey guys"I said waving at the camera,

"So this is my first ever video and we are doing a Q&A!" I said with my hands in the air, Caleb started clapping and being goofy like always

"I'm joined with my boyfriend Caleb and my best friend Annie" I said pointing to each of them and they gave a wave

"So we asked you guys on Instagram to send us some questions and you guys sent in ALOT." I said and we laughed

"We picked some of them and wrote them on a sheet of paper and are going to answer them for you" Annie  said holding up the peice of paper with the questions on it.

"So let's get started!,
number 1, how did you guys meet?. So basically I had just moved in across the street and our moms were talking and we decided that we would all go for a swim together" I said

"Yeah, Ellie and Caleb had a huge crush on each from the start" Annie said laughing

"Actually Caleb had a crush on me first" I said sarcastically

"Umm I don't think so" Caleb said laughing

"No really, we both liked each other from the start" i said being serious this time

"Okay, number 2, what was your first impression of eachother, that's a good one!" I said turning to Annie

"My first impression of Ellie was that she is really pretty, and that she sorta reminded me of a gymnast-"

"Yeah that's why you asked her if she does gymnastics, not even 2 minutes of knowing her" Caleb said and we all laughed


We done a total of 14 questions and decided that it was a good time to wrap up the video.

"So guys that is a wrap on my first video!,
make sure to like, subscribe and leave a comment below!" I said waving at the camera

"Bye!" We all said at the same time and waved

Caleb got up from his seat and turned off the camera, I let out a sigh of relief

"That went so well!" Annie said hugging me

"Yeah you did so good!" Caleb said giving me a kiss

"Thank you, anyway now I need to go edit this" I said grabbing the camera and going back to my computer


"You need help?" Caleb asked coming up behind me and kissing my head

"No thanks, I'm done now" I said smiling at him before uploading it and shutting off the computer

"I'm so proud of you" He said giving me a hug

"I love you" I whispered in his ear

"I love you, come on let's go to bed" he said grabbing my hand

Everyone is already asleep, we all decided to get a early night since we are going to the beach tomorrow with my mom and Harper

"Goodnight angel" Caleb said giving me a kiss

"Goodnight, bubba" I said smiling up at him


So guys I have decide to...... CONTINUE THE STORY!. I'm so glad that some of you are enjoying it a lot

Thanks for all the love💜
Lots of love!!

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