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*Ellies POV*

I still haven't found myself to leave Annie's room, I can't bare to face him right now.

It's been about an hour since he left, my guess is he probably went to gym with Annie to find out what's going on, and once he finds out.. there will be no excuse for what he's done.

As much as I want to forget about it.. I just can't, I cant just let this go like I have every other time

*Calebs POV*

"Thanks for taking me home mom" I sigh stepping out of the car

"Caleb?... Try your best to fix this bub, we all love Ellie so much" she sighed giving me a slight smile

"I hope I can, I love her to mom" I smile begging to walk in the door

Still no sign of Ellie downstairs, She's probably still in Annie's room.

I run upstairs and head to Annie's room, i stay silent for a bit, thinking about how to say this to Her

"Ellie?.." I whisper through the door

"Caleb?" I hear footsteps coming towards the door

The door slowly opens, her face was flooded with tears, my face immediately dropped and my eyes began to fill with tears too

"How could you?" She asks, knowing I found out what happened

I shake my head, looking down at the ground
"It wasn't me, I swear" I whisper

She laughs, shaking her head
"It wasn't you? Really Caleb? That's the best you can come up with?"

"What?" I ask looking up from the ground
"You don't believe me?"

"Obviously I don't believe you! The texts were right I front of me.." she said disappointed

"Ellie it wasn't me okay!" I said loosing my temper

"Well then who was it!" She yelled louder

"Luke! It was luke.." I whisper the last part, the room falls silent

"What?" She asked

"It was luke and Amanda.. They we're working together to try to tear us apart" I whispered still looking at the ground

She remained quiet, I could tell she was debating on believing me..

"Ellie please you have to believe me, You know I would never hurt you" I said watching her stare at the wall, with tears due to the heated moment, falling down her face 

"I don't know that Caleb.." she whispers,
turning to look at me

"What? Bu-"

"Caleb, you know I love you so much, but right now I just don't think I trust you.. you've always blamed our problems on Luke" she said looking into my eyes

We are both in tears.

"Ellie pleas-" I was interrupted again

"Im sorry Caleb... I can't do it anymore, and I know it's going to be awkward because we live in the same house but I think we should go our separate ways..." she sobs

Im speechless, my worst nightmare is coming true.

Im looking at her in disbelief, but it's true I have blamed Luke for most of our problems which is why she doesn't believe me, it's all my fault....

"Please talk to me when your ready? I love you.." I whisper giving her a kiss on the cheek and leaving the room

*Ellies POV*

I watch as he leaves the room, I can still feel his lips on my cheek, but it needed to happen, I just don't trust him like I used to

Part of me feels like he is telling the truth, but the rest of me disagrees..


Lots of love <3

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