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*Ellies POV*

I got a text from Annie last night just a while after We had left their house, asking me if I wanted to come to her Summer sleepover she is planning on having.

*the texts *

Annie- hey Ellie I'm throwing a sleepover tomorrow night if you want to come, all of our gym friends are coming.

Ellie- Of course I'll come, can't wait!🤍

Annie- okay I'll see you tomorrow!

*End of texts*

Of course I said yes, it's a win win, I get to spend more time with my gym friends and I get spend more time with Caleb. It's now the day of the sleepover and I'm packing my bag.

I was told to bring A bathing suit because we are going swimming in the lake and a onesie to sleep because everyone Is bringing one, I always get too hot in those things but it will just have to do.

I still have a lot of time until I have to leave so I decided to call Caleb and ask if he wanted to play Minecraft together. So i called him and he answered,

Ellie: hey bubba, what you up to?

Caleb: Hey nugget, me and Hayley are playing minecraft on the iPads, wanna join?

Ellie: That's actually what I was calling to ask, I'll join now.

Caleb: Are you ready for tonight?

Ellie: yeah I'm so excited, I can't wait!

Caleb- Harp is coming too, right?

Ellie- I think so, I'll check with her now.

I called her name and she came running down stairs.

"Are you going to Annie and hayleys sleepover tonight?"

"Duh, I wouldn't miss it" she said with an offended face.

"Okay just checking"I said laughing

I put the phone back up to my ear

Ellie- Yep she said she wouldn't miss is" I laughed

Caleb- Yes Hayley, Harp Is coming" Caleb said talking to Hayley

I heard her yell with excitement. I laughed

Ellie- okay bubs, I'm gunna go and pack the rest of my stuff then get ready to leave.

Caleb- okay baby, I'll see you soon!

Ellie- see ya!!

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