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*Calebs POV*

Today the day, the day I have to leave Ellie, don't get me wrong I'm happy to be going to Australia but if Ellie and her family were coming it would be 1000 times better.

"You all packed?" Ellie asked coming up behind me

"I think so" I said turning to her. We stood admiring each other for a few seconds.

"i still can't believe your leaving" Ellie said looking at the ground while playing with her fingers

"I'm gunna miss you so much" I said pulling her in for a hug.

"We're gunna talk every day though, right?" She asked looking up at me

"All the time" I smiled down at her

*Ellies POV*

We are getting ready to leave for the airport, I'm going in the Leblancs car and my mom is driving Harp. We all decided to go so we can get a proper goodbye before they leave.

"I call sitting next to Ellie!" Caleb yelled coming through the garage door.

"Good, cause I've saved you a seat" I said laughing

We are all playing on our iPads, it's about an hour drive to the airport. I'm in the middle of Caleb and Hayley. Hayley fell asleep on my shoulder not even 5 minutes into the drive.

"I hate seeing you too leave each other" Katie said looking back at me and Caleb snuggled up in a blanket together

"Time flies when your having fun, so we better have lots of fun" Annie said and we all laughed

"I seriously don't know what I'm gunna do without you guys" I said sticking my bottom lip out

"Any chance I get I will FaceTime you, I promise" Caleb said kissing the top of my head


*At the airport*

"We're here" Katie said getting out of the car and walking over to Hayleys door to wake her up.

Me and Caleb let out a loud sigh and got out of the car.

My mom and harp are right behind us waiting to say goodbye as well.

We helped them get there luggage out of the trunk and helped get everything ready to go.

"Goodbye hay hay" I said knelling down to her height and giving her a big hug.

"I'm gunna miss you, Ellie" she said crying

"Oh Hayley, I'm gunna miss you more,
but you gunna have so much fun!" I said and she automatically smiled giving me one last hug.

I walked over to Annie who has her arms out waiting for me, I ran into them giving her a hug.

"Annie what am I going to do without you?" I said pulling away

We just looked at each other and burst into tears.

"Don't miss me too much" she tried to laugh but just ended up crying even more.

"I'll try" I said pulling her In for another hug.

I made my way over to Katie, she wrapped her arms around me.

"Goodbye Katie" I said pulling away

"I'll see you soon sweetie" she said giving me a push, motioning me over to Caleb, who was stood in tears

"Oh Caleb" I said running over to him and jumping in his arms.

He wrapped my legs around his waist, we stood there just while everyone was watching us in tears

"I love you so much" he whispered in my ear

"I love you more bubba" I said crying, he looked at me and wiped the tears from my eyes and giving me a passionate kiss.

I climbed down from his arms, before looking at him and hugging him a second time

"Promise me you won't miss me to much" I said smiling

He chuckled "I can't promise anything"  he said giving me a kiss on the cheek

They all grabbed their suitcases and began to walk to their gate, harp and I were in tears watching them leave, they were too.

Caleb looked back at me and mouthed "I love you" and gave me a wave, "I love you more" i mouthed back blowing him a kiss, he "caught" it, I laugh at how goofy he is

As soon as they were out of sight I ran into my moms arm and just cried, i cried the whole way home.

We got to the house pretty late, we stopped at McDonald's for some food because we didn't have time to eat dinner before we left

I decided to get ready for bed, and I got a text from Caleb

"boarding the plane now, I miss you❤️x"

I smiled down at my phone before replying,

"Have a safe flight bubba, I love you💕xo"

I knew I wouldn't hear from him for a while because it's a pretty long flight, so decided to go to bed , the quicker I sleep, the quicker it's morning ...

Pretty sad part today, what do you think will happen next?💜

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