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I woke you this morning and first thing I thought about was Caleb. I'm exited to see him but at the same time he makes me so nervous

It's 3:30 and we have to leave at 4 so I had 30 minutes to get ready, I had decided to stay in my pjs until it was time to go, because I'm lazy like that.

I decided to wear some black ripped jeans and a white t-shirt with my black sneakers. Im not the best when it comes to fashion but I think I look pretty cute.

It was almost time to go, I headed down the stairs and went to tell my mom that I am going.

"Mom I'm going to the movies now, Ill cya in a bit, love you!" I said beginning to open the front door.

"Bye sweetie, have a good time with Caleb" she said.

I could tell that she had a smirk on her face while saying that, I started to blush and began to walk to their house.

*At the Leblancs*

I knocked on the door and Hayley swung open the door.

"Ellie!" She shouted and jumped into my arms.

"Hey hay hay, are you ready for the movies?" I asked while carrying her into the house.

"Yep,we are going to see the Lego movie!" She said with excitement then getting down from my arms.

"Ellie!, you came" Annie said with her arms out ready to give me a hug.

"Of course I came silly" I laughed

Then Caleb comes up the stairs with no shirt on "mom!, have you seen my red sweatshirt anywhere?" He asked

Then he saw me, I began to blush and he went bright red.

"Oh hey Ellie" he said with a nervous laugh.

I gave him a little wave as he grabbed the sweatshirt from his mom.

"I'll be up in a second!" He shouted while running down the stairs.

I laughed at his reaction and went over to say hi to Katie.

We were sitting on the island in the kitchen just talking and waiting for Caleb to be ready.

"Did you see how red he got when you saw you,Ellie?" Annie said dying of laughter

Hayley joined in "yeah he went like a tomato" she said with her head in her hands.

I started to laugh along too until he came up the stairs

"Ready guys?" He said

"Yep I'll go start the car" Katie said walking out to the car, Annie and Hayley followed her and me and Caleb stayed behind a bit.

"Hey sorry I didn't really get to say a proper hello earlier". He said while giving me a hug

"It's fine" I said laughing "it was kinda cute how embarrassed you got when you saw me" I said looking at him.

"Oh give me a break, I did not get
embarrassed". He said looking down at me with a smile

"You did too, even your sisters saw it" I said smirking

We heard a beep coming from the garage.

"Race you to the car!" i said and started to run.

"Cheater!" Caleb said running after me.

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