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*Ellies POV*

We are in a cab on our way to the hotel, I have never been in Australia before but it's really pretty.

"Mom, are we at the hotel yet?" Harper whispered to mom

"I think so, another 5 minutes" she said pointing to the device

"Oh, Ellie you do know that you have to complete 150 press handstands in the space of two weeks?" Mom said looking at me

"Yeah, Annie has to do it too, because we are both out of gym for so long" I said smiling

"Okay, just checking" she said

"we are here!" the driver said in an Australian accent

Me and Harper got our luggage out of the trunk, while our mom payed for the ride. We waited patiently for her to be done, when she finished we ran into the hotel and checked in.

"Ellie, will you ring Katie and tell her we are here while I check in?" She asked

"Sure" I said pulling out my phone.

**on the phone**

I stood patiently waiting for her to pick up.

"Hey Ellie" she said picking up

"Hi Katie, we are downstairs checking in then we are going to leave out bags in our room, then come to yours, is everything ready?" I asked

"Yep, everyone is here, they are gunna be so excited to see you guys" she said whispering

"I can't wait, see you soon!" I said

"Bye!" She said hanging up.

**end of call**

"Okay, everything is ready" I said to my mom

"Okay let's head up" she said grabbing her suitcase

Me and Harper followed close behind her trying to find our room number

"This one!" Harp pointed out.

"Good job harp" I said smiling at her

"That's their room" mom said pointing to the room next door

"We are neighbours?!" I said whisper yelling

We laughed and went into our room, it is really nice and spacious, it also has a really good view which is a plus.

We decide to get freshened up and unpack a little so we don't have to do it all tonight.

"Can we go now, pleasee" I said already at the door

"You can go over, we'll be over in a sec" mom said

I opened our door and ran down to their room.

Okay, okay you can do this Ellie" I said to myself and knocked on the door

*Calebs POV*

Me and Annie are playing Minecraft on the iPads while Hayley is watching some tv and playing with her dolls.

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