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*Ellies POV*

It's been about an hour, me and Caleb are still in bed, we decided to stay in bed and watch a movie together.

Annie and Hayley ended up joining us halfway through the movie.

"That was such a good movie!" Annie said standing up from the bed

"You only watched half of it" I said sniggering, still in Calebs arms

"I mean the half that I watched was good" she saod smiling

Just we began to get out of bed, Katie came down, vlogging.

"Guys! Get ready we're going to Sydney and Luke's house for lunch!" She said

"Oo yay!" Hayley said running upstairs to get ready

I saw Calebs mood change but decided to wait until we were alone to ask him about it.

"Okay I'm gunna go get ready, can I take the camera? I want to show them how I do my makeup" Annie asked Katie

"Of course you can! You guys get ready we're leaveing in 30 minutes!" She said closing the door behind her

I walked over to Caleb, who is getting shorts from his drawer and gave him a hug from behind

"You ok?" I asked kissing his back

"I guess.." he shrugged

"What's up? You know you can tell me anything" I said as he turned around to face me

He sighed "your gunna think I'm being stupid" he said looking down at me

"Caleb, you know i won't think your stupid, now what's up?" I asked

"I hate when Luke is around you... he always flirts with you and tells you how pretty you are... I hate it" he said not making eye contact with me

I giggled and pulled his face towards mine giving him a kiss

"I promise you have nothing to worry about, I'm yours, and only yours" I said looking into his eyes

"I love you" he smiled giving me a kiss

"I love you"I said pointing my finger at his chest

"And I mean it, I'm yours and only yours" I said resting my forehead agains his

"I know" he smirked

"Oh shut up!" I said giving him a playful hit on the shoulder

He laughed

"I'm gunna go get ready, I'll see you in 10 minutes" I said smirking and giving him a wink before walking to the bathroom


Hope you enjoyed!
Lots of love💜💜

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