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*Ellies POV*

It's official, I'm am now Calebs official girlfriend and I couldn't be happier. I still can't believe it actually happened, I always knew I would find someone that I really care about and want to spend the rest of my life with, but I never thought I would find it this soon!

We are still at the Leblancs house, it's just our family and some of our gym friends but everyone else left not that long ago.

Me and Caleb are cuddled up on one of the outside chairs, just talking with everyone.

"So how do you guys feel now that it's official" my mom asked

"I'm really happy" Me and Caleb said at the same time looking at each other and smiling

"When are you guys going to get married?" Hayley asked chiming in as always

"Woah Hayley, we still have like 20 more years until that will happen" Caleb said laughing at her.

"Don't worry Hayley, you and the other girls will definitely be the bridesmaids." I said smiling at her and laughing

I actually started to get a little sad thinking about my wedding because I know I won't have my dad to walk me down the isle.
Caleb must of noticed because he tightened his grip on me.

"You ok?" He whispered in my ear

I looked up at him and nodded giving him a kiss on the cheek.

The rest of the night went pretty quick, we played some charades and listened to some music, until it was time to go.

I gave Caleb a hug, taking in his scent before pulling away.

"I had the best time, you really know how to make a girl happy" I said with my arms around his neck while looking at him.

"What can I say?, I'm a man of love" he said putting his arm in the air.

I giggled and gave him a playful punch on the shoulder, which he took offence to.

"Ouch that hurt" he said pretending to be hurt

I giggled "Goodnight bubba" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking out to my car.

"Goodnight short stuff" He said waving.

*Calebs POV*

I waved at her as her moms car drove of,
then shut the door one they were out of site.

I let out a sigh of relief knowing that I can now call Ellie mine.

"Oh my boy is getting so grown up!" My mom said hugging me. "Im so proud of you Caleb, i knew you could do it" she said looking directly at me.

"Im so glad i have her mom, she really makes me happy" I said

"I know she does bubba, now get ready for bed, Annie is having her gym friends over for a summer sleepover tomorrow ." My mom said folding laundry.

I stopped what I was doing.
"Does that mean Ellies coming?" I said getting excited

"Yes Caleb, Ellie is coming." My mom said rolling her eyes and laughing.


I went downstairs and got ready for bed, then got a text from Ellie.

*The texts*

Ellie: Goodnight bubba, i miss you already. I'll see you tomorrow💕x

Caleb: Goodnight Nugget, Can't wait💜x"

*End of texts*

She loves it when I call her nugget, it always makes her giggle.

I watched some YouTube and got ready to go to sleep, ready for another day with Ellie.


*Hope you guys are enjoying the story let me know if I should continue it, I'm worried I might just be putting at this work in for nothing lol*

Lots of love x<3

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