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*Ellie POV*

Today we are going to the waterpark with Paige. I'm such a wimp when it comes to water slides, but I'm excited.

"Good morning Ellie!" Paige yelled while finishing her hair

"Good morning!" I yelled louder and laughed

"Where is everyone?" I asked

"Katie and the girls went to get us some donuts and Caleb is in the shower" she said checking her phone

"Of course he is" I said walking over to the bathroom door,
"Caleb you nearly ready? I need to brush my teeth" I said through the door

"Yeah, I'm just fixing my hair!" He yelled

"Okay" I laughed and walked over to the couch

"Hey! I heard you have a YouTube channel" Paige said

"Yeah I just started it a few days ago" I said smiling

"Oh my goodness we should definitely do a video" she said holding up her make up bag

"Yeah! That's a great idea, I'm gunna do a vlog today and we can do a make up video tomorrow." I said smiling

"Great idea-" she said

"I'm ready!" Caleb said walking out of the bathroom in shorts, goggles, flippers and a rubber ring

Me and Paige burst into laughter

"Baby what are you wearing?!" I said walking over to him

"I'm wearing my swim gear!" He said spinning around

"You look great, but we are going to a waterpark not the ocean" I said laughing and giving him a kiss on the cheek

"Fine, but I'm bringing the rubber him" he said crossing his arms

"Okay" I said laughing and hugging him


We finished breakfast and are on our way to the water park, the Uber driver is really nice so he agreed to show Paige about while we are driving"

"Omg that's so cool!" she said pointing to the beach

"Yeah we went there a few days ago" Katie said vlogging her

"Without me" she said pretending to get offended, we laughed


"Okay you guys are good to go!" The woman said

"Thanks you" we all said walking into the water park

"Wow this is amazing" Annie said looking around

"I'm going on that one, will you come?" Caleb said giving me puppy eyes and pointing to the tall slide

"Caleb you know I hate big sli-" I said

"I'll protect you!" He said turning to me, I looked at him for a few seconds and gave in

"Okay but let me get the go-pro first" I said running over to Katie

I started to vlog me and Caleb going to the slide

"Okay guys so we are going on this really tall slide, even though I hate tall slide" I said giving caleb a look

"I promise I'll protect you!" He said kissing my head

"Okay I trust you" I said and turned back to the camera

We got to the top and sat in our double rubber ring

"3" the life guard said


"Caleb! I'm scared" I said hugging into him

"I've got you" he said putting his arms around me

"1!" The life guard said giving us a push

I screamed the whole way down and I'm pretty sure you would be able to hear me from the other side of the world.

We finally reached the bottom and the water splashed all over us. Katie vlogged us coming down

"Oh my gosh, Ellie I could hear you from all the way down here" she said filming me and laughing

"I can't help it!" I said laughing

After that we went on a few rides with Hayley and Annie, Paige went in a few as well but she mostly just watched with Katie

I vlogged pretty much the whole time, but we decided to call it a day and get a Uber back to the hotel and order room service.


*Calebs POV*

We just got back from the water park and Ellie is in the shower, it her birthday tomorrow and I want to do something special for her.

"Okay guys you know how it's Ellies birthday tomorrow?" I said whispering to them

"Yeah? What's up?" Annie said

"Well, I want to make it special for her, so mom could you run to the store and grab a few things?" I asked hoping she would say yes

"Sure, just write me a list of what you need" she said

"Okay thank you" I said giving her a hug

"Annie I need you to help me decorate the hotel room tonight when Ellie is asleep and mom gets back from the store, got it?" I said

"Got it!" She said

"Hayley and Paige, I need you guys to wrap the presents I got her" I said turning to them

Me and my mom snuck out a few nights ago and went to the shops to buy her presents. I got her some clothes and a photo album full of pictures of her with me and my family.

She said she was planning on making one herself so, I did it for her.

"Okay!" They yelled

"What you guys talking about?" Ellie said coming out of the bathroom

"Nothing!" We all said at the same time

"Okay? Well I'm gunna go to sleep now. I'll see you guys in the morning" she said walking over to me and giving me a kiss, then going to the bedroom

"I hope we can pull this off" I said turning to them clearly nervous and they laughed


I will continue this tomorrow💕
Lots of love💜💜💜💜

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