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*Ellies POV*

I'm having the best birthday ever! After we opened my presents we ate breakfast all together.

Everyone is getting dressed up because we are getting ready to go to a fancy restaurant, but we cant dress up to much because after we are going to an amusement park!

"You excited?" Caleb asked coming up behind me and giving me a hug

"So excited" I said turning around and kissing him

"Get a room!" Paige yelled from the bed

"Zip it Paige, your ruining the moment here!" Caleb yelled back and we all laughed


We have decided to walk to the restaurant because it's not too far away, we are a little early so we decided to go explore a little.

"Wow that's so cool" Hayley said pointing up at the the tall buildings

"That makes you dizzy looking up at it" I said laughing to Caleb

"Yeah it does" he said trying it

We are finally at the restaurant and have been seated at a table beside the window, the restroom is a 360 restaurant, which I have never heard of before but it's pretty cool.

"I hope no one's afraid of heights" Caleb said looking down

"Yeah it's pretty high" Katie said vlogging
"Happy birthday again Ellie!" She said turning the camera to me

"Thank you!" I smiled

"Please don't tell me your getting a burger again?" Caleb said

"No I'm not actually, I'm getting sushi" I said proving him wrong

"You like sushi?" He said

"Duh, it's so good" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek

"I've literally never met someone that likes sushi as much as I do" he said laughing

"Well there's a first time for everything" I said smiling and he kissed me

"Ellie and Caleb sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-"Hayley started to sing but was cut off

"Hayley stop!" Caleb said getting embarrassed

Everyone laughed at how red he got.

Dinner came about five minutes ago, everyone is enjoying their meal, well except for Hayley who fell asleep about a minute before her food came

"How's your guys sushi?" Katie asked pointing the camera at me and Caleb

"So good" we said at the same time giving the thumbs up

"Well, Hayley on the other hand has fallen asleep" Katie said pointing the camera at her and Stroking her head

"She's probably tired from helping you guys set up last night" I said giggling

"Yeah, that's not possible because she fell asleep when we were doing that too" Annie said laughing

"Did she really?" I asked

"Yeah, I told her to help wrap your presents and then she just passed out on the couch about 10 minutes later" Caleb said laughing

"Hayley does love her sleep though" Katie said pointing the camera back at her. "Are you guys ready to go to the amusement park?" She asks

"Yeah!" We all said and started to leave the restaurant

Short chapter today, I promise tomorrow's will be longer💜💜
Lots of love 💜💜

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