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*Calebs POV *

Today's the 4th of July, our family is doing fireworks and having a cookout, and we might go for a swim in the lake. I've invited Ellie and her family over, Annie invited her gym friends and Hayley invited hers.

I think tonight would be the perfect night to tell Ellie how I feel about her, I hope she feels the same because that would be pretty embarrassing. I mean we are so close and I wouldn't want to ruin that but I need to tell her.

The party start at 7 and it's currently 6:20, just enough time for our dad to set up the cookout. He was getting the chicken prepared and I though he might like some help.

"Hey daddy, want some help? I asked

"Sure bud, you can prepare the salad." He said handing me the bowl.

I took the bowl of him and got to work.
"Dad, I was thinking about telling Ellie how I feel about her tonight. I really like her and I don't want this to ruin our relationship ." I said chopping up the salad

"Go for it bud, if you don't take the risk you will never know, and anyway I can tell how much Ellie likes you just by the way she looks-" he was interrupted by mommy.

"What you boys up to?" She asked walking up to us with Hayley beside her.

"Caleb was just telling me how much he loves Ellie and how he is going to marry her tonight" daddy said messing with me.

"Dad, your so embarrassing. I was just telling dad that I'm going to tell Ellie how I feel about her tonight." I said still chopping up that salad

"Oh Caleb that's great news!, I know she likes you too, so don't stress about it" mommy said

" oh oh Caleb, you should take her the the dock when the fireworks are on and tell her!" Hayley said jumping up and down.

"Hayley, your a genius! That's exactly what I'll do" I said picking her up.

"I know" Hayley said flipping her hair.

"Well, goodluck bubs, tell me how it goes when you've done it" mommy said while walking off, leaving me and daddy to finish setting up.

*Ellies POV*

Today is the 4th of July, the first in our new home. I'm so excited to spend it with my favourite people, especially Caleb, I really like him, I LIKE LIKE him, if you know what I mean. I hope he feels the same, but I'm to scared to ask.

Anyway it's currently 6:35, just enough time to get my bathing suit on and get ready for a super fun night, all of mine and Annie's gym friends will be there, Hayleys friends will be there too so Harp will have lots of people to play with.

*Time skip till 6:45*

We are on our way over to the Leblancs house, we decided to go early to help them set up and get everything ready.

I have a good feeling about tonight and I
Don't quite know why....


TO ᗷᗴ ᑕOᑎTIᑎᑌᗴᗪ......
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