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*Calebs POV*

I woke up this Morning to the most beautiful sight, Ellie sleeping curled up in a ball with her back against me.

I gently brushed some of her hair out of her face and kissed her cheek.

"Good morning nugget" I whispered trying to get her to wake up, but no luck. I laughed, jumping on top of her and tickling her .

She started to wake up and kick her legs while laughing trying to get me off

"Okay okay, I'm up!" She yelled laughing

I got off of her and gave her a kiss,
"That's what you get for not waking up for me" I said turning away from her.

It took my by surprise when she grabbed my neck and pulled me towards her and started kissing me, my hands found their way to her hips, hers found their way to my hair

She knows I love it when she plays with my hair. Things started to get heated until...

Annie came running through the door, we jumped off of eachother and looked at Annie with wide eyes

"Annie!, you really need to learn how to
knock" I said looking at her.

"Sorry Guys " she said cringing " anywayyy, mom needs you guys upstairs!" She said running out and closing the door behind her.

We looked at eachother confused before getting out of bed and making our way up stairs, we found my mom sitting at the island waiting for us

"Good morning lovebirds" she said smiling

"Morning" We said at the same time

We looked over at Hayley and Harper, they looked pretty upset, they were hugging each other.

Ellie and I looked back at mom confused, she motioned us to sit down beside her, so we did.

"So basically why I called you guys up her is because I need to tell you both something which you probably won't be happy about" she said, her smile fading

"Okay, tell us" Ellie said worried

"We are leaving tomorrow to head to Australia for 2 weeks, we were invited to Vidcon" She said said looking at us

"Wait really?!, how is that bad news?, we get to go to Australia together!" I said picking Ellie up.

I looked back at my mom who was looking at the ground.

"Right mom?" i said putting Ellie down

"Thats that bad part, its just our family going" she said looking back at us

Me and Ellie looked at each other, our faces dropped.

"What? Why?" I said looking back at her

"Well, we tried to get enough tickets for our family and Ellie family but there weren't enough so they couldn't come, I'm so sorry" She said getting up and hugging us both at the same time.

*Ellies POV*

2 Weeks without Caleb AND my best friends. I don't know if I can do it, I mean I've had the best month of my live with them, what am I supposed to do with 2 Weeks without them?

After Katie told us the news we went and sat down with Hayley and harp, they were crying obviously not wanting to leave each other, Annie was with us too she was trying her best to comfort the two little ones without crying but that didn't work.

Me and Caleb were just in complete shock. I looked up at him with a few tears in my eyes and saw tears running down his face too.
I sat up and looked at him in the eyes while wiping the tears from his cheeks

"I promise you, we will be okay" I said giving him a hug.

" But I'm going to miss you so much, I don't know if I can do it" he said looking at me

"I'm going to miss you so much, we still have a day left tho" I said smiling at him, he laughed at my attempt to change the mood

So For the rest of the day we played dress up with Hayley and harp. They made Caleb dress as a fairy, it was hilarious. After that we decided to have a movie night.

Harp and I were spending the night, just so we could get a proper goodbye in the morning. So we all decided to bring out all the mattresses and make a big fort in the basement for us all to sleep in.

"You don't understand how much I'm going to miss you" Caleb said looking down at me in the middle of the movie

"You have no idea, how much I'm going to miss you bubba" I said letting a tear slip down my cheek

"Hey, hey, Save your tears for tomorrow, trust me you'll need them" he said wiping them away, we both laughed


Hey guys I'm going away for a day, so I will update when I can, but just in case I don't, just know that's the reason❤︎

Thank you for nearly 100 reads I might not be much, but I really appreciate it, lots of love 💜💜💜

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