Shrunken (Klance)

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This story contains the ship Klance, death of the main character (only in dreams) and soft/safe vore. Don't like it, don't read. P.s my first time writing vore, I hope I make it right.

It was dark... He couldn't see anything... There were some voices heard, which Lance couldn't recognize or hear. It was a while like this until he regained consciousness.

The first thing Lance saw was his friends, now terrifyingly huge, staring at him.

"Lance, we're glad you're awake. How do you feel?" Shiro said with his arms crossed. Lance lightly rubbed his head. "Good? I think so... .. How are you so big? "

"We're sorry to tell you this, Lance, but... You're the little one..." Allura replied sadly. "Haggar cast a spell on you while we battled the Galra cruisers." Pidge added.

"WHAT?! Do you know how long this is going to last !? " Lance asked in a panic.

Coran shook his head. "We don't know Lance, you'll have to stay like this for a while"

Lance collapsed, he would have to stay at that size for unknown how long ...

Shiro took a step forward "We have to decide who will take care of him while he's like this" Everyone They looked at Keith with faces of '(͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °) You know what I mean, right?'

Keith rolled his eyes "Huh ?! Why me?!"

"Because you should get along better, and what better opportunity than this?" Hunk said raising his hands.

"Ugh, okay." He said directing his gaze to Lance.

Oh god, Lance was beyond dead.

Time skip- night time


"There is nothing you can do to save him" Haggar said tightening his grip on Lance causing him to writhe in pain.


The witch ended up crushing Lance adding a bit more pressure.


Keith jerked awake, breathing heavily. He looked to his side and saw Lance sleeping peacefully. He was about to go back to sleep when various thoughts came to his mind. 'What if Haggar finds him?' 'What if something happens to him and I'm not there?' He pushed those thoughts away having decided what he would do to protect Lance.

He grabbed Lance by the waist, causing him to wake up. "Keith? What are you doing?" He asked looking into his eyes.

"I'm sorry Lance" He said simply holding him closer to his face.

"What are you talking about? What is-? DO NOT! Keith! " he yelled as the bigger one opened his mouth as he pulled Lance closer. "NO! PLEASE! KEITH-! " It was interrupted when it was completely placed in his mouth.

Lance winced as the huge tongue licked his face. Keith began to move Lance into his mouth licking him gently for an easier descent.

"K-Keith ... p-please ..." Lance said on the verge of tears.

However Keith didn't hear him and lifted his head and swallowed softly so as not to hurt him. Lance was soon placed in a wide, dark space that he assumed was the stomach. He approached the muscle walls pressing against them, letting out a sob.

"K-Keith... P-please let me out... I-I d-don't w-want to die...! He said, tears running down his face.

Keith's face twisted in guilt. "Lance ... You're fine ... You'll be fine ..."

Lance looked up with confusion clearly written on his face "W-what? N-no! Of course not! You ate me! I'm going to die!" he cried with even more tears.

"Lance... I promise you'll be fine there, you're not going to die. Being half Galra I can control my digestive system so it's safe for you "Keith replied sadly.

"Oh... But... why all of a sudden? Lance asked, leaning back against the soft wall.

"Uhhh ..." Lance felt the walls around him tighten. "Keith, it's okay, you don't have to talk about it." Lance lay down snuggling against the warm muscle. "Good night, Keith." He closed his eyes and fell asleep instantly.

Keith put a protective hand on his stomach and closed his eyes in a whisper.

"Good night Lance, I love you ..."

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