You... saved my life... Why?

330 7 4

TW: Safe/soft vore, fear of dying, digestion mention (kinda), injury, almost drowning, blood mention

Dream looked at the phone a third time, this time to see what the weather would be like at the beach. He really liked surfing and since he hadn't been surfing in a long time, he decided to go that same day.

He put on the black neoprene with green parts and on top of it the clothes for that day, he also prepared the spare clothes along with the towel for when he was going to return.

It didn't take long to get there, though by the time he got there, the weather changed drastically, making it dangerous to surf in that weather.

Dream didn't give it any importance, he would surf anyway bad weather or not, so he entered the water. The first few minutes that he was surfing, he did quite well, until there was a wave a couple of meters bigger than the others, which would be about 5-6 meters high.

Dream tried to get away from it with his surfboard, but it was impossible, the wave caught him, taking him to the farthest part of the sea, so much so that he was several miles away from the beach.


Several hours later he woke up stranded in the middle of the ocean, his surfboard the only lifeline. He got on the surfboard but when he felt his leg itching, he looked at it and saw that he had a wound from which a lot of blood was coming out, although not enough to bleed to death.

Of course, it did not seem like a good sign since it would attract a lot of sharks and that was something he didn't want. He looked around in a panic, not wanting to run into one and become its meal.

A while passed and no shark seemed to be approaching, so he relaxed a bit. Big mistake. Something quite large and slimy wrapped around his leg and yanked him off his surfboard, starting to sink him deeper.

He tried to escape from the grip of the animal that was sinking him, but it was impossible, it seemed that it was glued like a squid. Dream began to panic, he needed to breathe, having been suddenly dragged into the water like that, he hadn't been able to catch enough air, so he almost couldn't take it anymore.

He finally reached his limit and instinctively tried to breathe, beginning to choke when instead of air, water began to enter his lungs. His vision began to dim, not noticing that the animal had suddenly released him, letting him sink in that same spot. Before passing out, he felt his cold surroundings turn hot.


Sapnap had only gone out for a swim to go around the ocean, what was not expected was that a giant squid was dragging a human to the bottom. Soon the human let out a lot of air, letting him know that he was beginning to choke.

He quickly approached the squid, biting down on the tentacle that held the human, swallowing the bite. He licked his lips, it had been a while since he had eaten squid. The animal noticed his hungry look and disappeared as fast as it could.

Sapnap just snorted, beginning to quickly separate the human from the tentacle. Sensing that the human was about to lose consciousness, he hurriedly put him into his mouth, closing it immediately as he pressed the human against his palate to swallow the water. Once he swallowed it, he placed his tongue in its normal position, the human lying placidly on top of it.

Sapnap panicked and swallowed him, hoping the muscles in his throat would tighten enough to force the water out of his lungs. Once inside his pouch, he began swimming towards a sea cave with air he knew.

He could feel how the human began to cough constantly, causing him to let out a sigh of relief, although that changed drastically when he gave a startled scream. He increased his speed, wanting to get to the cave as quickly as possible.


Dream began to cough, expelling all the water he had swallowed. When he finally stopped coughing he looked around, noticing the slimy, slippery walls of the space he was in. His eyes widened in fear as he realized where he was, giving a terrified scream.

A stomach. He was in a stomach... He began to hit the soft walls, not harming the being that had eaten him because of how weak he was, begging to be let out, although if he were an animal, his request would not be answered even in dreams.

"Please! Let me out! I don't want to die! Not yet... Not like this... Please..." He felt something gently pressing on him, as if trying to reassure him, but... that was impossible, right?

He tried to calm down by looking around, noticing that its stomach was glowing a soft shade of orange, preventing him from being completely in the dark. If he wasn't completely terrified, he'd admit that it looked pretty even.

The space he was in began to move and in the blink of an eye he was pushed up the throat, appearing in the mouth soon after. Dream was completely surprised, he really thought he was going to die, but during the time he was in the stomach nothing happened to him and apparently this creature had the intention of releasing him.

The mouth opened and instead of water entering as he thought it would, quite cool air entered. Looking at the entrance, he saw that there was a stone floor outside the mouth, so he began to crawl.

Once he was out of it, he slowly got up and turned around, giving a small yelp of surprise when he saw that what had eaten him was not an animal, but a giant mer.

"I'm glad you're okay, I really freaked out for a moment when you went limp on my tongue." said the mer with black hair and orange eyes a tone stronger than his stomach color.

"W-what happened? How am I still alive if I was in your stomach? Dream commented quite confused and scared by the situation he was in. "Okay, let me explain, okay? Be calm..." Dream nodded letting the mer explain what he had to say.

"Okay then, I saw that you were being hunted by a giant squid, but by the time I released you from its grasp you were about to pass out, so I placed you in my mouth and swallowed the water so you could get air. . Although apparently, by that time you had already passed out, so I panicked thinking that you were going to die and decided to swallow you, hoping that the muscles of my throat could renimate you. Apparently it worked, since as soon as you entered the pouch, you began to pour out all the water you had swallowed and well after that was when you screamed. He explained while scratching the back of his neck.

"B-But what about the stomach? Wasn't I in the stomach? Dream asked, confused. "Oh no, no. If you had been in my stomach you would have died for sure, you were in my pouch, which is made especially for hatchlings when they still can't breathe well underwater or to keep them safe from other creatures."

Dream's eyes widened in surprise. "So, you... saved my life... Why?" Faced with that question, the mer passed his hand across his forehead, brushing the hair out of his eyes. "Honestly, for some reason I felt like I should, you look about my age too. I don't know, I just didn't want you to die, okay?" He finished saying, looking away not knowing how to explain it.

Dream gave him a small smile. "Thank you." The mer placed a hand over his face, hiding the blush that had formed on it. "You're welcome, by the way, I think this is yours..." Dream's eyes widened as he saw his surfboard in the mer's hand, who placed it next to him.

"I thought I had lost it! Thank you very much!" The mer smiled slightly. "You don't have to thank me, by the way my name is Sapnap." "Dream, nice to meet you, Sapnap."

G/t Oneshots (Mostly Mcyt)Where stories live. Discover now