Monster Dream + Tiny George & Sapnap

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Tw: Safe/soft vore, (accidental) fearplay and swearing

"Uff... I'm tired, I want to sleep... "You're always tired, George," Sapnap told him as he finished packing his things into his inventory. George just rolled his eyes as he patted Dream's big hand. " You don't think that, do you?" Dream raised his head, which was resting on his arms, and looked at his brunette friend.

"I think you should sleep less, George." He replied with a giggle. He snorted as he listened to Sapnap letting out a laugh as he yelled 'I told you so!', sitting on the ground leaning against Dream.

Neither of them really knew what their giant friend was. His face was quite pale while the rest of the body was a type of green, he had emerald eyes, freckles and very sharp teeth. He had slitted pupils and a strange almost black green liquid dripped from his eyes, but surprisingly it didn't drip, his hands had sharp claws and a fluffy tail at the end.

He always wears his green hoodie so they didn't know if he had horns or not. He was snapped out of his thoughts when something slimy and wet touched his arm. He looked up to see his friend. "Dream, what are you doing?" he asked, puzzled.

The monster ignored him as he continued to run his tongue down the human's arms and shoulders. "Uh- Dream-?" George's question was interrupted when the green monster curled his tongue around his waist, throwing the top half of him into his mouth.

"Dream!" Sapnap yelled as he saw that only George's legs were sticking out of the mouth of his biggest friend. "Dream, let him out!" His request was ignored as Dream shoved the rest of George into his mouth, swallowing shortly after. "GEORGE!" Sapnap yelled frozen in his place as he watched the lump go down his throat.

Dream didn't notice the fear that Sapnap felt when his friend was swallowed. He reached out his tongue reaching Sapnap by the waist, picking it up again, keeping the human inside his mouth. He started licking him, earning a few squirms from him.

Dream continued without noticing the fear he caused to him, leaning his head back and swallowing. Sapnap didn't stop struggling until he entered the stomach with George. "So he has eaten you too?" George said sadly, who was sitting against Dream's stomach wall with his arms on his knees.

Sapnap sat down next to him, putting an arm around George's shoulders. "Why? Why did he do this, Sapnap? I thought we were friends..." "DREAM! What the fuck! Did you really only become friends with us to eat us at the end!? We were never really friends...?" Dream whined when he heard Sapnap, gently pressing down on them.

George and Sapnap shuddered trying to get away from the walls that now embraced them. "D-Dream?" "I'm sorry... I-I didn't want to scare you... Nothing will happen to you, you're in my storage, you're safe..." Both humans calmed down after hearing that. "Uh- it's okay... I think." "But why did you decide to swallow us out of nowhere? You've scared us pretty bad."

"Sorry, it's just a way for me to show affection, I didn't know you didn't know..." "Okay, okay, we got it, you can let us out later if you feel like it, we don't mind being here for a while ." Dream nodded, laying his head back on his arms, beginning to purr, knowing that his friends were safe with him.

G/t Oneshots (Mostly Mcyt)Where stories live. Discover now