A warm Place to stay

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It's the first time that I write about nagas but I think it turned out right.

In this, Dream is a human-sized naga while George and Sapnap are borrowers.

Warnings: Safe-Soft vore, unintentional fearplay, unwilling prey, mentions of being digested (nothing happens), freezing mention.

Don't like it, don't read it. Enjoy. (Words: 1.1K)

Snowflakes fell slowly, landing casually on the snow-white ground.

Dream is not that he liked winter very much, mainly because of the cold and because there was less food, which the naga was looking for at that time. However, it wasn't because he was hungry, no, but because keeping something in his stomach would help him stay warm.

Dream snorted, wrapping his tail around himself, even knowing that even if he did that, he would still be cold. His forked tongue came out of his mouth for a moment to smell the air, drawing it back into his mouth, savoring two new smells.

The naga became alert, he would not miss this opportunity. He slowly hid in a nearby bush, waiting impatiently for his prey. Soon voices began to be heard and Dream frowned. Humans? He doubted it, they sounded like them, but their scent and voices were lower than those of other humans.

His eyes widened when he saw that the "humans" were 4 feet away from him. It was impossible for them to be human, humans were normally their size, not of a mouse. Dream overheard their conversation, it seemed like they were arguing about something.

"Well, it's not my fault we got lost!" yelled one of them, he had black hair with a white bandana tied on his head and was wearing pretty normal clothes. "Of course! If it weren't for seeing you, we wouldn't be here! " The other replied, looking annoyed.

This one had brown hair and skin a shade lighter than the other. "Look, George, it's not my fault they saw me, plus you're partly to blame too." 'So the little brunette's name is George...' The brunette crossed his arms, shuddering slightly from how cold his hands were.

"Oh yeah? Tell me Sapnap, what is my fault, uh? " 'And the black-haired Sapnap... Umm... Interesting names...' "You were the one who left the forgotten bag on the human's desk and then asked me to come and get it. Come on George, admit it, neither of us are innocent here. " Sapnap replied, seeing George move uncomfortably in his place. "I ..." His shoulders slumped in guilt. "I know, I'm sorry Sapnap, it's just that it's so cold that I hadn't thought about what I was saying." Sapnap hugged his friend. " It's okay George, I get it."

Dream had become so focused on the conversation that he had almost forgotten why he was watching them. He took advantage of the moment when they were embracing to draw his tail close and wrap it around them stealthily. He didn't want his only source of warmth to escape. Almost instantly he heard them give a little cry.

Dream came out of the bush approaching the little "humans". "WTF! What the hell are you!? " Sapnap yelled while George was frozen in fear. Dream amused, replied. "A naga, don't you know what they are?" Sapnap swallowed nervously. "Uh... no? But, apparently you look like half human half snake? the black-haired man said, looking at the tail that held George and him.

"Can you let us go?" said the brunette with a soft voice stuttering with fear. "Nah, I don't think so." Dream replied, he wasn't going to let them go yet, he needed them to keep warm, on the other hand he could help them, they felt like ice against his tail. "You mentioned before that you were cold, right? I'm going to help you with that. "

Sapnap frowned when the naga said that. "How are you supposed to-?" His question was interrupted when his friend was suddenly pulled away from him. His eyes widened in shock as the naga thrust George fully into his mouth, tears beginning to form in his eyes as he watched him swallow.

"GEORGE! Let us go! Let him out! " He begged, tensing when the hand that had grabbed George reached for him. Sapnap began to squirm as the naga brought him to his mouth. "Shh, you'll be hot soon." "No! STOP! Please!" he yelled before being shoved into his mouth.

The tongue sucked him, covering him completely in saliva. Soon after the muscle pulled him into his throat and he swallowed gently. Sapnap squirmed as his throat muscles pushed him down. Before long he was put into an open space with a little yell.

It took a while for him to find his bearings in the new, damp, dark space. He almost jumped when he was surrounded by arms followed by a watery voice from crying. "Sapnap!" "George!" Sapnap said, turning around to hug his friend.

"Sapnap ... I don't want to die ..." George cried. "Neither of us does Gogy ..." Sapnap replied, hitting the soft walls as hard as he could. "Hey! Let us out! We are not food!" The naga hummed softly. "I did not say at any time that you were, just calm down, you will be fine."

Sapnap kicked the wall even more. "How are we supposed to be okay !? Don't you know how a stomach works!? We are going to be digested! "

The naga snorted, the human was stubborn. "So you really don't know anything about the naga's? Relax, my kind have two stomachs, one for storage and the other for... uhh... well, you know. You are in the storage one."

Sapnap frowned. "That's bullshit! You hope I'll believe that !? Why else would you eat us!? " Dream snorted again. "I needed something to warm me up, besides you were freezing, I wasn't going to leave you there."

Sapnap relaxed a bit. "So ... are we safe?" The naga hummed in response. "That's what I was trying to say. You protect yourself from the cold and I get warm, the three of us win. Now rest, I suppose you need it." He wound his coils leaning on them.

George glanced at Sapnap before leaning against the wall of his stomach, passing out instantly. Sapnap decided to do the same, he was tired. They had been walking all day, so a rest in a warm (and wet) place wouldn't hurt.

He hugged George close to him and fell asleep, hoping what the naga said was true.

Dream sighed in relief as he felt them relax and fall asleep. It seemed like they were going to stay with him for a while, he just hoped they could get along with him so he wouldn't be alone anymore. He closed his eyes, letting the warmth carry him into a dreamless sleep.

G/t Oneshots (Mostly Mcyt)Where stories live. Discover now