Keeping his friend away from cold

440 7 3

Warnings: Freezing mention and swearing

Going for a walk had been a bad idea.

George had decided to go out regardless of the weather, so he was far from home, raining and without an umbrella. Sure, the rain wouldn't have bothered him any other day, but it was quite cold that day, so his wet clothes made him even colder.

Normally in this climate where it was so cold and raining, people did not go out because it was dangerous since everything that got wet began to freeze little by little. He headed into the forest, on his way to a cave he knew was deep in the forest.

'I hate having to visit him like this, but I don't have many options since the wet clothes are starting to freeze and my house is 2km away ... Shit ... I can't feel my fingers anymore ...'

He continued running, stumbling and falling some time later . His legs had stopped working, his breathing beginning to be hampered by the frozen air rushing into his lungs. He lay on the ground, unable to continue, his hands frozen and his lips turning a shade of blue.

Soon after, the ground began to shake, but George didn't seem to mind, he was too tired to worry. The tremors stopped and followed by a voice full of concern.

"George!?" He didn't answer, he was too tired to do so. "George? … Fuck!" George almost complained about being scooped up in the hands larger than his body, but the warmth they gave off only made him snuggle closer. "God, you're frozen ... Good thing I found you in time." The giant said, holding the human against his chest.

After a while walking they reached the cave. The giant sat up, removing his hands from his chest to give the human some space.

George shifted from his lying position to a sitting position once he was able to move again thanks to the warmth of the hands and the hug and turned his gaze to the black-haired man. "Thanks Sapnap." The bright orange eyes looked up at him with concern.

"George, what are you doing outside in this weather? You should be at home! What if I didn't find you in time !?" "I ... I thought it was going to be good weather, but I was wrong ... I decided to go looking for you since you were closer ..." He answered, looking away.

Sapnap sighed, increasing the warm in his hands a bit. "Just be more careful next time, I won't always be there to save you ..." Sapnap leaned back against the cave wall, holding George close to his chest again.

"Now rest, I'll keep you warm."

G/t Oneshots (Mostly Mcyt)Where stories live. Discover now