An awkward meeting part 2 (Pred!Dream and Prey!Sapnap)

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Warnings: Safe vore, soft vore, mouth play? angst?(I don't really know) Injury mention

Don't like it, don't read it.


Dream continued on his way to Bad's house. He could feel Sapnap sleeping against the front wall of his stomach.

Soon after, he arrived at Bad's house. He knocked on the door to be greeted by a concerned Bad. "Pass Dream" "Bad, are you okay?" "Yeah, just… I'm a little worried about my son. He said he'd be back in two hours, which is almost past and he's not back…" he replied as he rubbed his arm.

"Take it easy, you know how we young people are, he may arrive at the right time, since there are still 15 minutes to two hours, or probably he may be 10 minutes late." Dream said, putting his hand on Bad's shoulder in support mode.

Bad smiled softly. Thank you, Dream. By the way, you told me you had a 'little' problem. Is the little one okay? " “Yes, he’s okay, he's in my storage. I found him in an alley under a cat's paw. He has a cut across his chest. " Dream said heading to the kitchen.

"Can you get me a towel and the first aid kit while I grab a bowl of warm water and wake him up?" He added reaching for a bowl from the cabinet to fill it with water. "I'm going." Bad replied heading to the bathroom.

Dream gently pressed where Sapnap was. "Hey Sapnap, wake up." he said softly. Sapnap moved as he woke up. "W-what?" "I'm going to get you out in a bit, wake up." Dream replied as he returned to the living room, sitting in front of the table.

Shortly after, Bad appeared with a towel and the first aid kit. "Okay, I'm going to get him out." Bad nodded, placing the bowl closer to Dream. Sapnap felt the walls of his stomach begin to push against him.

"D-Dream? Is it normal for this to happen? He said a little worried, but that worry disappeared when he heard a soft 'mmhp' and was quickly pushed up, being in a few seconds out of the throat back into Dream's mouth.

He leaned his head forward, placing his lips flush with the water. Sapnap felt Dream's mouth tilt forward and he began to nudge him gently with his tongue.

He did it with such care that Sapnap wondered 'How can he be so gentle with such a small body?' He noticed how he gently opened his mouth and saw that there was water underneath, which he was grateful for since that way he could clean all the saliva that was on top of him.

Shortly after he fell with a 'plop' into the warm water. Dream stepped away giving Sapnap space and not being so close to him. "Finally! Now I just have to get the saliva off of me… ”He said as he pushed his hair away from his face.

"Sap ... nap ...?" Sapnap froze at the familiar voice and looked up at it. "Dad?" He said looking at his father who was sitting next to Dream. "Wait, is that your son?" He asked looking at Bad. “Why didn't you tell me that he was a borrower? Don't you trust me because I'm a pred?” he continued sadly.

“No, no, no… It's not that Dream, it's just… I didn't feel comfortable. I know you are very careful and all that with them but… ”he sighed. "Sorry Dream."

“Hey, it's ok Bad. I understand you. Now we are going to bandage up Sapnap. " They turned their gaze to Sapnap who was looking at them with his arms slightly crossed. “I was already thinking that you had forgotten about me. Can you help me out? "

Dream chuckled as he reached for Sapnap by pulling him out of the water and placing him on the towel beside him.
He helped him dry himself a bit, being careful not to touch the wound.

"Well, in order to treat your wound we need you to take off your shirt." Dream said, putting the towel aside. Sapnap took a nervous gulp and nodded as he began to remove his shirt.

Dream and Bad gave a worried gasp. "I'm sorry dad… I wasn't as careful as you told me to be." "Sappy ... That ... We can't bandage it to you ..." Dream nodded in agreement. "The cut is deeper than I expected ... Bad, I'm going to get a needle and thread ..." he replied leaving the room.

“What do you mean, needle and thread? Dad? What are you going to do?" he asked looking at Bad who looked at him sadly. "Sappy… We're going to have to sew your chest up…"

When those words left his mouth, Sapnap's eyes widened. "W-what? No, no, no, you're kidding, right? " The look in Bad's eyes told him otherwise. "A-are you really go-going to ...?"

Sapnap started to take steps back, turning to run, but Bad reacted earlier, catching his son in a soft fist. "N-NO! Please! DAD! L-let me go! " he screamed as he writhed in his father's hand. "I’m sorry Sappy." he said as he watched Dream return to the living room.

"Hey Sapnap, can you drink this?" He looked at him for a moment before answering. "If I drink it, will you let me go?" Dream looked for a moment at Bad, who shortly after gave a small nod. "Okay, if you drink this, we'll let you go."

He looked at them doubtfully for a moment before shrugging. "How much do I have to drink?" he asked as Bad placed him on the table and Dream tilted the bottle at him to make it easier for him to drink.

"Five swallows is enough." "Luckily the bottle is full to the brim because otherwise I wouldn't be able to drink." Sapnap said, walking over and starting to drink from the bottle that was almost his size.

"And what did I just drink?" he asked before beginning to feel himself unconscious. "Sorry Sapnap." It was the last thing he heard before he fell into unconsciousness.

Several hours later, Sapnap woke up in bed in his room. He looked at his chest, which was completely bandaged. 'In the end… did they sew him up?' The pain he felt when he tried to get up confirmed it.

His chest had been sewn up ... "DAD!" he called, trying to get his father to hear him. He was still tired but he didn't want to be alone.

Shortly after, Bad appeared in the room. "Sapnap, are you okay?" he asked as he approached him. “Yes, I'm fine… Dad, can I sleep with you? I don't want to be alone… ”

Bad smiled softly. "Sure, Sappy." He scooped Sapnap into his hands, lay down on his bed, which was on the other side of the room, and gently placed Sapnap on his chest. "Good night dad." he said, closing his eyes. "Good night, Sappy."

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