Karlnapity noms

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You can also read it on my Tumblr account; Kayla-crazy-stuffs

Warnings: Tw vore, safe vore, slight fearplay? Injuries, deshumanization mention.

Don't like it, Don't read it. Enjoy.

Sapnap was lying on his bed doing nothing. Soon he got a video call from Karl and Quackity. "Hey Big Q, Karl." He said waving to the camera. "Good morning pandas, how are you?" Karl asked. Sapnap gave a small yawn. "Hmm ... I'm fine, maybe still a little sleepy." Quackity chuckled. "We see it, hehe."

They talked for a few hours until Karl decided to ask a question. "Hey Sap." "Tell me Karl." "What do you think about humans? How do you see them? " Sapnap thought for a moment before answering. "You could say I like them, even though I haven't interacted with one yet. I know most of them are scared of giants and god, I don't blame them, I'd be scared too if there was someone so much bigger than me. On the other hand, I think that both humans and giants are people who deserve the same rights. I hate how some giants treat humans as objects, pets, or even as snacks. " He ran his hand through his hair before turning his attention back to his fiancés.

"May I ask the cause of this question?" Quackity giggled in response. "We just wanted to see if we shared the same opinion. And I'm glad you do. " "By the way, Sapnap, Quackity and I have talked and... Would you like us to meet in person?" Karl added smiling as Sapnap smiled widely. "Really? Can we really finally meet in person? " "Sure pandas" Karl replied. "See you in two hours, then I'll send you the address. See you later, we love you mi amor. " The call ended leaving a smiling Sapnap lying on his bed. He would finally meet his fiancés in person. Getting up, he went to prepare for the meeting with his boyfriends.

An hour and a half later, as Karl and Quackity got ready, Karl asked. "Where are we going to meet Sapnap?" "I had a place in mind, but you're not going to like it." He replied while continuing to browse the internet while he waited for Karl to finish preparing. "Do you remember that park where we met?" Karl, having finished preparing himself, crossed his arms. "Yes, why? Quackity, we're not meeting Sapnap in that park. " He watched as guilt washed over his boyfriend's face. "Quackity, what have you done?" Quackity scratched his head as he replied. "Perhaps I have sent that location to Sapnap to meet him?"

Karl's jaw dropped. "You have done WHAT ?! Quackity! The majority of giants that go to that park, eat humans! " He placed his hands on Quackity's shoulders. "Can you send him another location?" Quackity shook his head. "Sapnap said he's on his way ..." Karl sighed softly. "Then let's hope nothing happens ..."

Half an hour later they reached the park. "Quackity... I think this is a bad idea. A very bad idea. " Karl said, walking on Quackity's arm. "Easy Karl, Sapnap will be here soon, we just have to wait here for a moment until he arrives." He answered as they leaned against a tree, hidden by roots and grass, in the morning sunlight.

A while passed and Karl began to get nervous when Sapnap didn't show up. "Quackity, what if Sapnap doesn't come? What if he forgot? What if a giant sees us?- "" Karl. " Quackity interrupted, putting his hands on Karl's shoulders. "He will come, okay? Nothing will happen to us while we are hidden here. " A shadow suddenly appeared above them followed by a deep voice. "I don't think the same small snacks." said a giant as he reached for Karl and Quackity who were hugging each other in shock. 'Shit. Sapnap, please hurry up, we need you. '

Sapnap arrived at the agreed place. He looked around, expecting to see the black haired boy in the blue beanie with the same blue hoodie and the brunette in the varicolored hoodie. He didn't find them. He was thinking of leaving, until he saw a man in the distance squatting in front of a tree with two humans in his hands.

He approached the man little by little, he needed to save those humans. If he left now, he couldn't live with the guilt of knowing that he could have saved them but instead let them die. As he approached, he could hear one of the humans yell at the man in a familiar voice. It almost sounded like Quackity.

His doubts were confirmed by hearing him swear in Spanish, letting him know that the other human was Karl. He finally reached the man and he turned to look at Sapnap. "What? What are you looking at, huh?" The man said without realizing that he loosened his grip on the humans.

Sapnap took the opportunity to snatch them and run away. "Hey! Those humans are mine, I found them first! " he heard the man screaming in the distance as he chased after him. Taking advantage of the distance between him and the man, he stopped for a moment to look at his little fiancés. With a guilty look, he shoved the humans into his mouth, as it was too difficult to run with them in his hand.

He could hear Quackity's screams and pleas and Karl's sobs. At one point, he felt a metallic taste seep on his tongue realizing that one of his fiancés had been injured. Not wanting them to hurt any more, he pushed his tongue into the back of his throat, swallowing them gently before running back from the man who had nearly caught up with him. He felt them huddle up in his storage. He gave a little sigh as he kept running, he would explain everything to them when he got home.

Quackity and Karl were glad to see Sapnap, but that changed when they saw the guilt on his face. Before they could ask him what was wrong with him, they were shoved into his mouth. Quackity squirmed trying to free himself from the sucking tongue, coating him in saliva.

"Sapnap! Please! Let us go! Don't eat us! " he screamed in panic. Karl was sobbing trying not to slide down his tongue trying to grab something. On one of his attempts, he grabbed one of Sapnap's fangs, accidentally cutting the palm of his hand.

Karl hissed, releasing the white canine, earning a worried cry from Quackity. He tried to reach him before the tongue beneath them pushed them down his throat and swallowed them quickly. They squirmed as the muscles clenched and pushed down. They soon found themselves in a more open space. "SAPNAP!" Quackity yelled hugging Karl, who kept sobbing until he passed out from exhaustion. 'It has eaten us. IT HAS EATEN US. But, we are his fiancés... He will let us out, right? ' Quackity thought, holding Karl close to him.

Sapnap hurried home, he didn't want his fiancés to be in his stomach any more than they should be. Plus they are probably terrified right now.

He closed the door, taking off his shoes immediately to head to the kitchen for a clean rag. He went to the living room and placed the cloth on the table, ready to take out his little boyfriends.

Quackity felt Sapnap's stomach begin to contract and shortly after, he and Karl were pushed upward, pressed back into their fiancé's throat. It didn't take long for them to reach the mouth, which began to open once they reached it. They were taken out of the wet mouth, being carefully placed on a cloth.

He looked at Sapnap, who towered over them. "H-Hey Quackity ... I'm sorry about that, I didn't want to resort to that but I couldn't run with you two in my hands ..." Quackity nodded, he had been nervous at first but now he knew that at all times it had been safe . "Quackity, what happened to Karl in the hand? Did I bite him or- "Quackity cut him off quickly. "Oh no, no... Sap, calm down. It was a bad move by Karl, he grabbed your fang and accidentally cut himself. " Sapnap nodded softly. "Come on big baby! No problem! You have saved us! " Quackity said, getting to his feet and arms outstretched. "Now go get the first aid kit to bandage Karl's hand, while I dry myself off and try to dry him too." Sapnap nodded, heading for the medicine cabinet while Quackity dried himself off.

When he returned, he couldn't help but laugh at Quackity trying to dry Karl off to no avail. He put the medicine cabinet on the table and reached for Karl to dry him off. Once again he left him lying on the table letting Quackity take care to treat the wound.

"Hey Sap, how did you know it was us?" Quackity asked, looking away from the TV. "Well, your voice was just very familiar when I heard it, especially when you started cursing in Spanish." "I was still glad that you saved us, even if it was in such a peculiar way." Sapnap chuckled, giving Quackity and a sleeping Karl a kiss on the head. "I love you." "We love you too, Sap."

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