Chapter Twenty-Four- Past

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A/N: Hey! So I feel terrible for not updating recently but there are two part left. I've been really sick lately and in and out of the hospital. So here's chapter 24, I hope you guys like it. Comment what you think!! 

                                                        xx Tei.


               “Ready to go camping?” Zayn asked me, entwining our fingers together.

            “Are you sure sleeping in your own backyard really counts as camping?” I asked with a slight hint of laughter in my voice.

            “Of course it does! When I was younger my sisters and I used to go camping in the backyard—well because they were scared to leave the backyard for an entire night of sleeping outdoors.” He nodded his head slowly, “Besides, didn’t you and Gemma used to go camping in the backyard?”

            I shook my head slowly in response, “Mum used to take us out a bit into the woods to go camping.”

            We stepped out of the large French doors that led to the large wooden porch that occupied the backyard. We stepped off the porch onto the cool green grass. The soft carpet of the grass tickled our bare feet as Zayn and I turned around to gaze up at the house that now stood tall and proud behind us. As if sensing my thoughts Zayn wrapped his arms around my waist and his chin rested lightly on my shoulder as he whispered into my ear, “This is your home now, Harry.” I could tell that he had a smile of his lips just by the way he spoke.

“Our home” I whispered as I corrected him, then I turned my head to Zayn to give him a soft kiss. “Did you know that I’ve always wanted to sleep under the stars with you?” I questioned Zayn as I broke the kiss.

“Harry, you have,” Zayn’s eyebrows furrowed together in confusion, “We’ve gone camping with the other lads before, don’t you remember?”

A soft chuckle escaped my lips, “I remember, but I mean you just you.”

I felt Zayn’s chest rumble lightly against my back as a quiet chuckle escaped his lips. “Well, your dreams are about to become true.”

I had now turned myself all the way around so my chest was pressed lightly against Zayn’s, my arms had found their way around his neck. I watched as Zayn slowly inched his face closer to mine before our lips finally met. At the feel of his soft, warm lips against mine my eyes slowly fluttered shut as I took the moment in.

Our lips moved perfectly in sync for what seemed to be hours when I felt a large droplet of water hit the tip of my nose, at first I thought Zayn had started to cry but we had slowly pulled away and our eyes quickly gazed up to the sky. It had started to rain. I heard a soft chuckle escape from Zayn’s lips, “Maybe we can’t go camping tonight.”

Shrugging my shoulders, I held my right hand out for Zayn to take, “May I have this dance, my love?” I asked him with a hint of laughter in my voice.

“You certainly may,” Zayn placed his hand into the palm of mine as his right hand rested on my shoulder, my left arm wrapped around his waist as I pulled him close to me.

“No music?”

Shaking my head in response, Zayn and I began to dance around in the backyard, our heart beats and the sound of the rain hitting the ground and our skin was our music.

            Balled up sheets of music were scattered everywhere over the floor and the bed. Since Zayn and I have moved into the house I haven’t been able to keep my thoughts straight. Lately, Zayn has been cleaning up after me which is surprising because normally I’m the one to keep everything clean and neat.

            “Zayn have you seen the notebook I was using last night?!” I called towards the bathroom from under the bed where I had taken my search to. No luck.

            “Yeah it’s right here,” Zayn walked out of the bathroom with no clothes on. Seeing Zayn walk around in the nude was surprising, it actually shocked me a bit because I’m the one who usually walks around in my birthday suit. But lately, we’ve seemed to switch roles. “It might be a bit wet.” He said as he handed me the notebook with a couple smudges from the water on his fingers.


            Zayn walked over the dresser and pulled out a towel from one of the drawers that he wrapped around the lower portion of his body.

            “You’ve really got to stop sneaking up on me like this.” I said, my eyes trying their best not to gaze down at the lower portion of Zayn’s body.

            “It’s not like you don’t walk around like this all the time. So give me a break.” Zayn chuckled as he walked over to the closet.

            “What do you mean?”

            “Well, remember that time just a couple days after we moved in? You decided to lounge around in nothing whatsoever and our neighbor came by to welcome us with some of her homemade cake and cookies and you had to rush to put your pants on—except you opened the door in your boxers—and she only was able to get a glance at your four nipples instead.” Zayn reminisced as he pulled out a pair of his black skinny jeans and his misfits shirt from the closet.

            “And I’m glad that’s all she saw,” I replied with a soft chuckle while nodding my head.

            “So am I. Now, I have to be to the studio to record some of my parts in the new songs” Zayn said as he pulled his shirt on before he walked over to me and kissed my lips quickly but softly. He was now fully dressed but he still looked almost as good as he did when he didn’t have his clothes on.

            “Right!” I had completely forgotten the whole reason I had gone looking for the wet notebook that was still in my hands. I quickly kissed Zayn back as I handed him the notebook that was filled with some of the lyrics and a couple notes for him.

He took the notebook from me then walked over to the bedroom door. “I’ll be back tonight! I love you, Harry!”

“I love you too, Zayn.” I called back as I heard him walk down the stairs.

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