Chapter Twenty-Two-Past

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I was stood looking at myself in the mirror of the bathroom. I was dressed in a tuxedo, Liam and Louis stood closely behind me as they attempted to fix my hair up a bit.

            It was time. I thought as they led me out of the room where I met my mum waiting for me. She was going to be the one to walk me down the aisle today.

            It wasn’t until I stepped into the sanctuary that it hit me. I was going to become Harry Edward Malik today. I took a deep breath as my mum and I walked slowly down the aisle to Zayn, who stood there waiting for me, his eyes wide and filled with happiness as he saw me.

            Upon reaching Zayn my mum let go of my arm and Zayn took my hand in his, both of us entwining our fingers together immediately. As the minister began his speech, Zayn took my other hand in his, entwining our fingers together once again as if that’s where they belonged—and that is where they belonged. The minister continued his speech, his deep voice allowing the words to spread out across the sanctuary, mine and Zayn’s gaze never once left each other’s.

            Then he paused. “ . . . Would you like to say a few words to each other before we continue with the vows?”

            “Yes.” There was an infinite amount of words I could say at the altar but I already knew in my heart that Zayn already knew everything I could possibly want to tell him. I took a deep breath, a smile on my lips as I thought about all of our memories together. “Zayn,” I began with a smile, “I have always believed that love is a beautiful and powerful force, and with you, I’ve been truly able to experience its true meaning. Exactly four years ago to this very day, I met you. Through the past couple of years you have showed me just how amazing life can be. And I realize just how lucky I am to have you by my side.” I paused for a second as I felt the tears well up in my eyes. “I know that our marriage will bring us an eternity of happiness and I honestly cannot imagine anything better than spending the rest of my life with you.”

            A warm smile filled Zayn’s lips as he squeezed my hands, his eyes were already conveying everything he was about to say to me. “Harry, you are the love of my life and there has never been anything that I have been more certain of.” He spoke in a low voice, treating every word as if it were a soft, gentle kiss. “The past four years that we’ve been together haven’t been easy, and through the obstacles I know that our love for each other has only grown stronger. You have taught me so much in life and you are everything I could ever ask for and more. Four years ago this afternoon you received scars from burns on your chest and I am prepared to replace it with something more permanent and meaningful—the vow of marriage.”

            At this very moment I had found it extremely hard to resist the urge to kiss Zayn but knowing that I would soon be his forever I was able to wait.

            The minister nodded once after a moment, “Since it is your intent to marry, it is now time to declare your consent.” He turned towards Zayn. “Zayn, do you take Harry to be your lawful wedded husband to have and behold from this day on, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?”

            “I do.”

            “Harry, do you take Zayn to be your lawful wedded husband to have and behold from this day on, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?”

            “I do.”

            From the pews one of Zayn’s younger cousins walked up to us, presenting a velvet pillow upon which sat two gold rings. Zayn picked up one of the two rings between his thumb and pointer finger. As he held it up you could see on the inside four small words written in cursive: Our Story is Forever.

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