Chapter Seven-Present

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"I swear I'm the luckiest guy on earth." 

I look down at Zayn, just now realizing that he had been listening to me talk this entire time while I had been staring out the window, lost in my memories pages. A faint smile spread across my lips. 

"That can't be, because I'm the luckiest guy on earth." I kiss his pale finger and I become alarmed at how they cold they feel, "but then again, we both can be the luckiest guys on the planet. So doesn't that make us the perfect match. 

"I love you, Haz," Zayn whispers quietly as he closes his eyes, " I feel as if I don't tell you that enough." 

I laugh slightly and quietly, "But you tell me every day that you do, Zayn." 

His lips  curl in a small smile as I watch his breathing fall slowly into a steady rhythm. I'm not too sure if he has fallen asleep or not but just watching and hearing him softly echale makes me feel at ease again. 

I think of everything that Zayn does that shows his love for me and my mind begins to sift through pages filled with memories. As the begin to rise in my subconscious, I don't dare hesitate to start telling our story again. 

Endlessly I tell our story to keep it alive, or maybe so I won't forget them like I'll never forget Zayn. Or maybe I tell them to keep Zayn alive whether he's here or not.


Hey! Sorry for the slow updates! I smashed my finger a week ago so it's been a bit hard to type. 

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