Chapter Twenty-Past.

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The band was in Australia for a couple photo shoots and interviews we were doing for our new album FOUR which was due out in a couple of weeks. To be exact we were in Sydney and we were on our way to a photo shoot—well by we I mean Liam, Niall and I—Zayn and Louis had gone ahead of us since they had a separate interview to do.        

The car we were in pulled to a stop in front of a house. We couldn’t be doing the photo shoot here—could we?

Shaking my head I turned to Liam and Niall, “What are we doing here?”

“Niall here wanted to stop by and say hi to his favorite band. We won’t be here long.” Liam explained as he opened the car door, sliding out of the backseat, Niall and I following behind him.

Once out of the car, Niall ran to the front door, knocking excitedly. I saw the door fling open there stood the now red-haired boy Michael, a grin evident on his lips as I heard him call out: “Niall!” Before I knew it there were the other three members of 5 Seconds of Summer embracing Niall in a group hug—Liam and I were soon to join in on the hug.  

“How are you guys?” Niall asked the four lads in front of us as we all pulled away from the hug.

“Great!” Ashton chirped in as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, telling me I had a new text message.

I pulled my phone from the pocket of my jeans and quickly unlocked it, revealing a text from Zayn.

From Zayn:

                        Hey babe! Why don’t you take the boys out for some ice cream on your                                         way to the shoot! Bring the 5SOS lads with! See you soon! Lots of love.


A small smile formed on my lips as I read the text over once again before sliding my phone back into my pocket. “Hey guys,” I piped in, interrupting their conversation that I was completely lost in at this point. “Let’s go get some ice cream! I’m sure the boys here know a great place to go.”

“Sounds great! Then they can come with us to the shoot! I’m sure it’ll be fun!” A sly grin formed on Liam’s lips, he sounded overly excited.

Niall bounced around excitedly beside us, “Food! Let’s go!” A chuckle escaped everyone’s lips as Niall’s cheeks flushed a light red with embarrassment, Liam pulled Niall close to him and kissed the top of his head softly.  

            We had decided to walk to the ice cream shop from Michael’s house, it wasn’t too far from there anyway and it wasn’t that far from the place the shoot was being held at. We each ordered our ice cream—I got a weird coffee flavored one with chocolate chips in it, Ashton and Calum got the same flavor as me.

            Once we were all situated with our frozen treats we began to walk down the street at a somewhat slow pace, everyone talked whilst eating their ice cream. It was nice to be with the 5SOS lads again.

            We entered the building of the shoot, Liam asking the receptionist where to go before he reported back to us that it was just down the hall. Niall had jumped onto Michael’s back, I was on Ashton’s and Luke was on Calum’s we decided to race. Liam on the other hand laughed at us as he followed behind us. “Someone’s going to get hurt!” Liam yelled as Calum, Michael and Ashton took off running, Luke, Niall and I held on for our lives, ducking down so we wouldn’t hit our heads. We made it safely into the room and as I went to turn to Liam to prove him wrong Luke fell off of Calum and the both rolled around on the floor, holding their knees and abdomens as the laughed.

            The photographer saw us and rushed Liam, Niall and I into a room where we had to quickly change into tuxedos.

            Why tuxedos? I thought to myself.

            After a couple minutes we were all situated, I kept messing around with Louis, occasionally I’d mess his hair up or he’d go to hit Niall in the balls and every time we all cracked up laughing.

            Once the photographer was able to get us all calmed down we stood in a straight line, my arm was slung around Zayn’s waist, his across my shoulders, Liam and Niall were stood in a similar manner and Louis stood in the middle, his arms above his head and his hands held up like he was holding up the air. We heard the snap of the camera before we all ran over to see the photo. I looked down on the small screen and right above Louis’ hands were the words “Will you marry me?” in bold letters. I looked up from the screen and saw Zayn down on one knee, a small box held open in his slightly shaky hands. My eyes widened as I realized what was happening. “Harry, through the past couple of years we’ve been through a lot and I’m glad we went through it all together. I can’t see myself spending the rest of my life with anyone else but you. I want you to be my forever. No one has ever made me as happy as you’ve been able to make me. Haz, will you marry me?”

            I was now in shock as his words registered in my brain, I felt tears build up in my eyes and a couple warm tears slipped down my cheeks as I nodded my head frantically before whispering in response to him, “Yes! Yes! A million times yes!”

            Zayn pulled the ring from the small, black velvet box and slid it onto my finger, he kissed my lips gently and wiped a couple tears from my cheeks as he pulled me into a tight hug.

            As I hugged him back tightly I leaned down and whispered softly into his ear, “My wish just came true.” 


A/N: Thoughts? There's a couple chapters left. A couple twists and surprises to come. I hope you guys enjoy. 

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