Chapter Thirteen-Present.

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It was on that very day that I had come to realize that I really couldn’t live without Zayn. I gained an unexplainable feeling to what it would be like to lose him. If I were to lose him it would be like losing a part of me. He was a part of me and I finally realized it.

                Zayn now lay as still as a flower on a warm summer day, the only part of him moving was his chest with each breath he took. As I watch him, I want to curl up beside him in the hospital bed and listen to his heart beat as it would beat perfectly in sync with mine. But I can’t. He’s covered and tangled up in IV’s that I don’t want to disturb in fear that I might hurt him. So, I stay where I am, it’s the closest I can get to him. My eyes wonder around the room before landing on the large digital clock on the wall. The bold numbers inform me that it’s been nearly an hour since I’ve stepped back into the room. There’s a knock on the door as I begin to grow anxious for the doctor to come back in and to tell me that everything will be okay—that Zayn is getting better. The door slowly slide open just a crack and there stood Morgan—Zayn’s nurse.

                “I just wanted to let you know that your friends just left,” she kept her voice at a low whisper as she peeked her head in through the crack. “They asked me to tell you that they would all be back in a couple hours to check in on you and Zayn.”

                I stopped her as she started to close the door, “Has the doctor said anything?” I asked her hopefully.

                “He hasn’t informed me on anything new as to Zayn’s condition.” She says it slowly, as if she has to think about it as she says it.

                “Don’t I have a right to know what’s going on with my husband?” I question her, not believing a word she tells me.

                Morgan opens the door a bit more and takes a step inside the room before she closes the door very quietly behind her, “I heard Zayn’s doctor talking to some of the other doctors that are working with him,” she pauses for a moment, her eyes scan over my face for a second and with her next words a lump rises quickly in my throat, “his condition is worse than they expected” her words hit me like a bullet and they leave a pain stinging through my heart, an emptiness and uselessness filling the empty pit in my stomach.

                The look on her face tells me that she still hasn’t told me everything, “what else is there?” my voice is raspy but hoarse.

                “I heard the doctor saying that he’ll give Zayn a bit longer on the IV’s,” she paused once again, an almost cheerful but sorrow look takes over her face, “There’s still some hope for him, Harry.”

                Her last words linger in my mind.

                There’s still some hope for him, Harry.


                I look over to where Zayn lays in the hospital bed as Morgan scoots quietly out of the room. The little bit of hope I’ve been holding onto is slowly starting to fade away. For a moment I picture Zayn waking up and jumping out of the bed, him leaning over to pull me close to him and kiss like he used to when we first started to date—when we first got married. I can’t risk losing you again, not after everything we’ve been through. 


A/N: I'm going to start dedictating chapters to the people who comment because I love you guys that do and not many people comment. So it'll be a way to thank people!! <3 Let me know what you think!!!!

Follow me on Twitter: @MashtonMonkey1D and on instagram: BandBoysThough 


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