Chapter Five- Present.

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Slowly, his grip on my hand relaxes and there's a breif frightening moment that takes over me before I realize that he has only fallen asleep. Carefully, not to wake Zayn I lean down and pull the white hospital blankets up to Zayn's chin and gently kiss his closed eyelids followed by the tip of his nose. 

The only light that shines in the room comes from the sliver of moonlight that shines through the open window. I stand quietly and cross the room where I close the window to keep the chill out of the room but I leave the curtains open so I'm able to see the slender moon that hovers protectively over us. It's hard for me to believe that this is the same moon that we had looked at so long ago. 

The door slowly creaks open behind me and I turn to see the nurse standing in the doorway. She is young, most likely around the same age of me. She tentatively addresses me in a quiet voice, as if she is afraid to interupt my thoughts. "There are some visitors in the waiting room." 

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I nod and turn back to Zayn. I sense the nurse's hesitation before she turns back down the hall, her footsteps fade slowly as she gets further down the hall. I begin to think about all the patients she must see each day and if each one is an individual to her or just another routine to get through in her daily life. 

I walk back over to the bed and stand at the foot where I look down at Zayn. He looks so peaceful in his sleep but I have a strange urge that takes over me to wake him, because when he's awake at least I know he is with me; but when he is asleep it's like we're both in two different worlds, drifting apart from one another. Slowly, his chest falls and rises steadily. 

"I'll be right back," I whisper quietly, my raspy voice cracks a little at how quiet I try to be, I hope that my voice will register  somewhere in his subconsciousness.

I walk in the waiting room, a clean room smelling of disinfecrant, much like most hospitals do. Four people are sat in the blue and grey chairs that may look very comfortable but in reality they are far fram comforatble. They look up almost in sync as I enter the room and when I see their worried expressions only makes thee ache in my chest worsen. 

Niall and Liam are sat close together so they can comfort each other. They both can be very emotional at times, so them as a couple can seem hard at times; like if Niall were crying Liam would most likely end up crying, neither of them are tough when it comes to fighting back their emotions but they're able to comfort each other even if it's hard. 

Louis and Eleanor are sat side-by-side, they're holding hands and I notice that Louis is rubbing his thumb slowly over Eleanor's knuckles. I've never really understood their relationship, Eleanor has always been quite quiet and Louis can be extermely loud sometimes. I guess two opposites do attract. 

I watched as louis gently squeezed Eleanor's hand, he nodded his head and Eleanor stood up, she walked over to me. "How is he?" she asks me quietly. I shake my head, not sure how to respond. I look down and bite the corner of my lower lip to hold back tears, I force myself to take deep breaths. I tell myself that I cannot cry because that means I've given up hope. As I stand there I can feel the others eyes on me, they don't know what to say. 

Niall stands up and walks over to the nurse who is sat behind the counter in the waiting room, she has her eyes down, trying not to intrude on us. "Excuse me," Niall begins, trying the hardest to keep his voice from cracking, "May we go visit our friend?" 

The nurse's voice was hesitant, "Obly family member are allowed. . ." she looks up from her desk, her gaze meets mine and something in my eyes must've changed her mind because she finally says, "But we can make an exception every now and again." 

Five of us crowded into Zayn's small hospital room, we all stood around Zayn in a protective half circle. Zayn's eyes slowly began to flutter open as if had sensed our presence and he gives us a forcd but happy looking smile at the sight of his friends. 

For a moment everything seems fine until Zayn begins to cough violently. I quickly hurry to his side and kneel down, taking his hands in mine and I use my other hand to brush my thumb over his cheek softly to calm him. My throat constricts tightly at the sight of him in pain, I choke back tears the best I can. Zayn's coughing fit ends almost as abruptly as it had begun, Zayn's breathing slowly goes back to normal, 

"We just wanted to come and see you," Louis says quietly, you could hear the pain in his voice, "but you should get some rest." Niall slowly nods his head as Liam speaks, "we'll be right outside. We'll be back soon. They quietly slip out of the room, as they walk past me they each give me  a half smile for reassurance. 

It's just Zayn and I now, just like it always has been. 

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