Chapter Twelve- Past.

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                “You know, I’m still not used to driving on the right side of the road” Zayn told me as he dragged me into the car. We had recently bought a house in LA and we were currently staying here since we had a small break from band work.

                “Well, you better get us there safely, well, I mean wherever you are taking us.” I responded nervously to Zayn, he had yet to tell me where he was taking me as we both buckled up.

                Zayn had started to hum quietly, I watched out the window beside me as other cars sped past us. I was worried now about what people thought of Zayn and I. Although, Zayn has always told me not to worry about what people are thinking but I’ve always had a hard time not worrying. It’s just something that happens naturally to me. I leaned back in the seat, maybe Zayn was right, maybe I do need to stop worrying so much. It was probably what was best for me. I closed my eyes now and let the soft sound of Zayn’s humming put me to sleep.

                “Harry, we’re here,” Zayn shook me lightly from where I slept in the front seat of the car. My eyes slowly opened and I rubbed them groggily before I slide out of the car, my eyes adjusting now to the sunlight I was standing in. A warm ocean breeze hit my face as I saw Zayn kick his shoes off, I followed his motions before he put both pairs of shoes into the car.

                Now, before Zayn had a chance to object, I grabbed his hand and started to pull him towards the water with me. Forgetting completely about the fear he had of the water, I dragged him straight into a wave with me, “Woooo!” I yelled, holding tightly to Zayn’s hand still.

                “Harry! Stop!” Zayn called out, my eyes widened at the sudden realization to what I had just down, I quickly threw my arms about Zayn and brought him close to me. “Harry, now I can’t breathe” Zayn mumbled into my chest with a faint, nervous chuckle. I loosened my arms from him so he could take a step back but he didn’t budge, he stayed put. The only type of movement he made was to lift his head and the fact that his body was shaking lightly, whether it was from fear or how cold the water was, I don’t know.

                “Sorry, I was caught up in the moment, I didn’t mean to just drag you in he—“ My apology was cut short as Zayn leaned up and pressed his lips to mine lightly, with a soft but quick kiss he was able to quickly shut me up.

                “Harry, don’t worry about it. I feel safe with you, nothing will happen to me here.” Zayn mumbled against my lips, I couldn’t help but smile at his words. In this moment, it felt like it was just Zayn and I until we heard the sound of cameras going off around us.

                Zayn turned to say something to them but I stopped him, “Zayn, it doesn’t matter to me anymore. You bringing me here today has made me realize that it is only you and I. They don’t matter to me and what they think doesn’t matter to me.”

                “I thought them being around us, and all the photographs made you unhappy. . .”

                “Being with you makes me happy. And I’m with you right now that means I am happy.” I paused for a moment and glanced over at the paparazzi, I then looked back to Zayn, “Whatever lies they make up with those pictures, or whatever stories they put out there with those pictures, won’t matter to me. It won’t be worth getting into an argument with you about and a chance of losing you . . . the best thing that has happened to me.”

                I looked up at him, I saw his eyes soften in that moment, a smile inched onto both of our faces and as I stared into his eyes, I could see the man that I truly loved.

                It was now early evening and the sun had begun to set off in the horizon as Zayn and I walked aimlessly across the sand. Around us, people had begun to gather up to watch the sunset, Harry and I on the other hand continued to walk, hand in hand, our fingers intertwined. The tide had calmed down a lot since we had gotten here earlier and now only a bit of the water would hit our toes as we walked. The sky was filled with an array of colors. Zayn and I stopped walking once we were away from everyone, I held my arms open for Zayn as he moved into them, I held him protectively to my chest, and this time I was the one to hum quietly to him.

                “Today has been amazing,” I rested my chin lightly against the top of Zayn’s head, he seemed to fit perfectly into my arms. Our bodies had formed perfectly together as they always had. When Zayn had failed to answer me I turned my gaze down on him, “What’s wrong?”

                “It’s jut. . . I just. . . Harry, I love you.” He looked up at me, his eyes were glossy as if he were holding back tears.

                “I know. I love you too, Zayn” my lips formed a small smile.

                “No, Harry you don’t understand.” Zayn turned around to face me, his hands reached up slowly up, cupping my cheeks in his hands now, Zayn shook his head. “No Harry, you don’t get it. I love you more than you can fathom. I think you can’t know how much I love you. The thought of losing you at any second of the day is constantly on my mind.”

                “Zayn I’m not going anywhere . . . I promise.” I leaned down to press a soft kiss against his lips.

                “With this new tour starting, I’m scared that maybe . . . maybe you’ll find someone better than me . . .”

                “That’s impossible because no one will ever be able to love me like you do”

                With the end of my words Zayn leaned up, returning the kiss that I had just given him but only softer. 

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