Chapter Ten- Past.

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A/M: Hey guys! I will be having slow updates for a bit, I'm taking care of my grandma 24/7 but I promise that I will have more soon. 

xx Tei. 


      Niall and I had arrived a half an hour early to the airport to pick up Zayn and Liam. They had both missed our last flight back to London from America last week and they were finally coming back home to us.  The only thing that was wrong was their flight being delayed because of a big storm rolling in.

       "I'm starving!" Niall threw his hands dramatically up in the air as he stood up, "I'm going to the food court to get something, and do you want anything?" He looked at me as he started to walk in the direction of the food court.

      "Sure." Niall nodded his head and disappeared into a crowd of people rushing to find their terminal.

      Now I was left alone. Sighing, I sat back in the seat, crossing my legs out in front of me and my arms crossed over my chest. I closed my eyes.

       "Wanna buy a magazine?" The hoarse voice from behind me nearly made me jump from the seat, there was a man stood beside me, flashing a magazine with a glossy cover in front of my face. He had an old, worn out brown satchel slung over his shoulder, overflowing with copies of magazines. The bag looked as if it would give any moment. He had a confident smile on his dirty looking face.

       "No, thank you," I told him kindly. I tried my best to ignore any form of gossip.

       "Are you sure?" His smile faded slightly from his face as he asked me. His face sagged with disappointment. "There are some pretty interesting stories in here, ya know?" He continued on, trying to peruse me into buying one from him. "There's something in here about that boy from One Direction . . . now what was his name?" He thought for a moment, "Oh yeah that's it! Zayn Malik! That's his name!"

        The man knew he had caught my attention and interest, before I knew what was happening he shoved the magazine in my face where I could see the headlines clearly. In big, bold letters were the words: One Direction's Zayn Malik caught snogging a FAN! My eyes skimmed to the subtitles where I saw small phrases in the subtitles that said things like passionate kiss and Is Zayn straight? I started to feel this unfamiliar feeling in my stomach as I read on.

       This can't be Zayn. Not my Zayn. It has to be a look-a-like.

      I flipped to the indicated page that was on the front cover, my eyes skimmed furiously over the page until I saw the picture on the corner of the page. It was clear that it was Zayn kissing a girl. Tears threatened my eyes as I clutched the magazine in my hands. I saw Niall coming towards me but I had started to walk towards the bathroom.

      "Harry! Stop! Wait up!" I heard Niall call after me but with each word he said I felt my pace quicken. I was soon running towards the bathroom, once I was inside the bathroom I ran into the nearest stall and locked it behind me, tears were slipping down my cheeks. I skimmed over the page one last time and my gaze held on the picture.

      Taking a deep breath I unlocked the door and walked out of the stall over to the sink where I placed the magazine on the counter beside me and splashed some cool water on my face. Just as I did Niall walked into the bathroom. "Harry? What's wro--" he froze mid-sentence when he saw the magazine, he took it in his hands.

      Just as Niall went to continue the overcome came on and a monotone voice came through the loud speakers informing us that the flight Zayn and Liam were on had landed. “That’s their plane I grumbled quietly. I took the magazine from Niall and rolled it into a tube shape that I held tightly in my hand. “Let’s go,” I straightened myself and wiped the tears from my cheeks. I took a deep breath and knew exactly what I was going to do.

      I was strong. I didn’t need Zayn.

      Niall was close behind me as I pushed the bathroom door open and strode out of the bathroom. My pace quickened slightly as I walked confidently towards the waiting area that Niall and I had previously been in. As we got closer to the waiting area we saw Zayn and Liam, Zayn had seen me and a wide smile grew on his lips and he quickened his pace, I had stopped walking. Liam stopped walking when he saw my facial expression and Niall walked over to him. They stood behind Zayn and I. The happy expression that was on Zayn’s face had now disappeared when I had stopped walking and just stood there, he glanced me up and down then tilted his head to the side when he saw the magazine in my hand. “W..What’s that?” Zayn stuttered.

      I shoved the magazine to him, dropping it in his hands, “See for yourself.”

      I watched as Zayn’s eyes skimmed the page then landed on the picture. “Harry you can’t believe this. I know you don’t believe it,” Zayn looked at me, he had kept his voice low, people had stopped around us to see what was going on. “Please tell me that you don’t believe it.”

      I looked at Zayn, my voice was a hoarse whisper, “I always knew you’d find someone else. I don’t know why I let myself fall so hard for you. I don’t know why I let myself believe everything you told me, I always knew better than that,” I paused for a moment and took a deep breath. “It looks like you’ve already found someone who is much better than I am.” My voice trailed off.

      I felt tears threaten to leave my eyes, I turned quickly and began to push through the crowds of people. I heard Zayn calling after me but the sound of his voice calling my name didn’t make me slow down or stop, it only made me run faster. I ran through the front doors of the airport, it was pouring. Zayn’s voice became closer. I started to run towards my car in the parking lot but when I got to it I had stopped running and walked over to a pole that was a few feet away from the car.

     My legs were pulled tightly against my chest, my forehead was resting on my knees and my shoulders were shaking as I cried. Footsteps splashed rain around as someone walked over to me, I knew that it was Zayn just by the way he was walking. The footsteps stopped and I felt someone towering over me and then I heard the ruffle of their cloths as they sat beside me. That’s when I felt Zayn’s arms around me. He had pulled me tightly to him, “Harry, please let me explain,” he paused thinking I would answer him, but I didn’t so he continued, “That fan had jumped on me and slung her arms around my neck, Harry I was trying to push her off when she kissed me. Please Harry, forgive me.”

     I took a minute before I did anything, I thought about everything he had just said then I turned my head to look up at him, “Zayn, I don’t want to lose you. I’m scared that you will find someone better one day.” My voice was raspier than normal as I tried to fight back more tears.

      Zayn lifted his hand and caressed my cheek in his palm, his soft thumb had wiped away a few stray tears and a couple rain drops, “Harry, I could never love someone the way that I love you.” 

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