Chapter Eleven- Present

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A/N: Hey!! Sorry for not updating recently! I've been extermly busy! My grandma has passed away about three months ago so things have just been really hard for me. And I've started school again so slow updates but I promise that I will be updating more! Also, I did get to see One Direction on the 29th of August!! They were AMAZING!!! 


                It had taken me quite a while to forgive him, but eventually I came around after some persuasion from Liam. But to this day I can’t really acknowledge the fact that Zayn had kissed someone else. After a while I had begun to realize that a relationship is built mostly upon trust and without trust we really wouldn’t get anywhere. Love is a struggle that sometimes you end up feeling like giving up on, but when it is worth saving you’ll know.

                Feeling a bit better than before I stand up and head inside and into the waiting room where my friends are sat. To my surprise they are all asleep except for Liam, he’s sat with Niall’s head resting against his shoulder and his head resting lightly on top of Niall’s head. “You should probably get everyone home,” I whisper, my eyes skim quickly over my friends before I glance at the clock on the wall.

                “Are you sure? We can stay a little bit longer,” Liam says in a reassuring whisper.

                “Mr. Malik?” I hear Zayn’s doctor call from behind me, I turn around to look at him.

                “I’ll be fine,” I say to Liam surely before stepping over to Zayn’s doctor. “Yes?”

                “He may not look okay right now,” the doctor continues in a small voice, to be sure that Liam or any of our friends won’t hear everything at once, “but that doesn’t mean that the condition will not improve.” There’s a glimmer of softness in his eyes that shows off his sympathy. I follow him out of the waiting room, glancing back at Liam before I follow the doctor down the hallway to Zayn’s room, he pushes the door open carefully for me to step inside.

                In a trance, I push past the doctor carefully and walk over to the hospital bed where Zayn lay still on his back, IV leads are hooked up all over him. I kneel automatically next to the bed and take Zayn’s hand in mine. The first this I notice is how unnaturally cold his hand is. “What is going on?” I ask the doctor in a low voice, my eyes glued on Zayn still but they shift up to the heart monitor that Zayn is now attached to, the beeps are what draw me in, and each beep is followed by a green line.

                The doctor hesitates for a moment as he watches me, “Zayn’s core temperature has drop to an abnormally low point, and because of it he is losing feeling in most of his body. We thought that he had been warming up.”

                “Will he b…” I choke on my own words, finding it impossible for me to finish my sentence.

                “I can’t promise anything.. we have to see how the IV treatments will work,” the doctor continues gently, “I’ll be back in a bit to check on him. You can stay with him for the time being.” The door clicks shut behind the doctor as I pull the chair back up beside Zayn and sit beside him. I take a deep, shaky breath as Zayn’s once strong hand lay flatly limply at his side. Very tenderly, I slip my hand into Zayn’s in a hope to give him some type of warmth, but it feels useless.

                I feel useless. 

                So many times Zayn has been there for me but when he needs me most, I’m unable to do anything for him. But I will stay by his side even if the only things I can give him are my presence and our story. As long as Zayn lay here, I will too.  

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