Chapter Eight- Past.

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A/N: Hey there guys! Sorry for not updating recently! I accidently broke my laptop and I got it back about a week ago but I've just been really busy! Updates should be back to normal soon!

Enjoy! :) and comment when you think/like! Thank you!

xxx Tei


      Tour had just ended and now we were to be on a short holiday before we picked up work as a band again. Zayn and I were in my flat one morning when he approached me looking very distraught. "Harry," he began, his voice low. "I need to go to Bradford for part of our holiday, there are some things I need to take care of at home."    

     The cup I had filled with water nearly slipped to the floor when my arm flew over the table, my voice was on edge as I spoke, " long will you be gone?" 

       Zayn took a step closer to me, his arms finding their way around my waist, his voice grew lower as he whispered into my ear, "Just a couple months, Harry. I'll be back by Christmas. I promise to call you ever night that I'm gone." My body was pressed to his by now, I nodded my head once as our lips met in a soft but passionate kiss. A couple of stray tears slipped down my cheeks as Zayn pulled awway, his warm thumb brushed them away as he cupped my cheeks in the palms of his hands. 

       The day finally came when Zayn left for Bradford, I was scared that while he was there he'd find someone better than me and forget all about 

      The first month or so that Zayn was gone was somewhat hard for me. Louis, Liam and Niall came by often to keep me company and assure to me that everything will be fine and that Zayn will be home in just a matter of months. While they were here everything was fine but when they were gone all those thoughts of Zayn finding someone else and forgetting me started to haunt me again. 

      By mid-November the lads and I had written some new songs for a new album and we couldn't wait for Zayn to see them. By this time as well I'd come up with a daily routine that I would follow nearly everyday, I'd wake early in the morning and go out for a run then I'd come home and shower and try to find something to entertain me in the long hours of the days; just before 11 pm or midnight, most days it'd be midnight, Zayn would call to say good night and sometimes he'd sing to me over the phone, our phone conversations always ended with one of us saying "I love you",  but hearing him say that to me it didn't feel the same as it did when he was physically with me. Until now, I had never knew or understood what it was truly like to miss someone--actually miss someone. After we'd hang up my suspicions would grow as I would wonder why he'd call so late. 

      I awoke to the sound of the windows shaking from a strong breeze that had blew by. I jumped out of bed and rushed over to the closet, rubbing my hands together in an effort to warm myself. I reached into the closet and pulled out one of Zayn's favourite hoodies, wondering why Zayn hadn't taken this hoodie with him I slipped it on over my head and breathed in deeply--it still smelt like him--I felt safe and warm. I dug my hands into the large pocket on the front of the hoodie, I felt something slide across one of my fingers and quickly jerked my hand out of the pocket to see a little bit of blood dripping from my finger. In the bathroom I ran my finger under the tap and dried it before digging a band-aid out of the first-aid kit. Once my finger was all bandaged up I reached back into the pocket and withdrew the mischievous piece of paper from it.  Carefully, I unfolded the paper and looked down at what was scribbled on it in Zayn's handwritting: 

                                                 Harry, my love, by the time you find this I hope I 

                                                 will have been gone for some time. I hope you 

                                                 aren't missing me too badly. Remember I'll

                                                 return home to you soon my love. Until then

                                                 remember that I am indeed all yours and no 

                                                 one will come between us. I'll see you soon.


                                                                                                            Zayn xxx

       Smiling, I carefully refolded the note and slipped my hands into the pocket again, gripping onto the note tightly. I put my headphones in and turned on one of our songs, Last First Kiss, I started to jog down the street, it was a bit chilly outside but I didn't mind because I had Zayn's warm, comfy hoodie on. As I ran down the street I noticed a figure in the distance, it looked almost like Zayn; as I got a bit closer I noticed that they were running towards me with their arms open. That's when I noticed that it was in fact Zayn. I quickened my pace and ran straight into his arms, we tumbled back into the soft snow where our lips met with a soft but longing kiss. "What are you doing back?" I managed to whisper, breathless, "I thought you were supposed to be gone for a couple more days." 

     "I was, but I couldn't stand to be away from you any longer, I've missed you too much." Zayn whispered back almost as breathless as I was. 

     A couple of days later it was Louis birthday, and we'd all decided to go to a carnival. Niall and Liam had run off somewhere and Louis was urging both Zayn and I to get on a ride with them. Zayn had looked at me then turned to Louis, "I'm sorry Lou, I need to talk to Harry for a minute. You and El go ahead of us and we'll meet you somewhere in a bit." Zayn and I both walked away and I heard Zayn laugh quietly under his breath. 

   "What?" I turned to him. 

    "You were so scared you'd have to go on there, weren't you?" 

     "Yes, I'll admit that," I admited, sighing as I rubbed the back  of my neck nervously. 

    But as I went to say something else, Zayn spoke instead, "It's all right though, I was a bit nervous myself but I got us out of it. But you did look even more cute than normal with that scared looked on your face." With every word he has said, I felt my cheeks grow warm and I guessed that they were some color red.

    Zayn cupped my cheeks in the palms of his hands and leaned up, our lips met for a short moment but I pulled back when I saw some paps taking pictures of us. "Zayn.." I mumbled. 

    "Ignore them, Harry. It's just us, remember?" Zayn whisperded soothingly to me. 

   Zayn was right, it was just him and I, together again. I didn't want him to leave me ever again. 

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