Chapter Twenty-One- Present.

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The boys in front of me stepped off to the sides and there stood Liam, his arms cradling a small figure wrapped in a light blue blanket. My eyes widen as I took a step closer to him, my arms extending out for the tiny baby in his arms.

            Carefully, Liam handed me Jasper. Jasper Malik. Mine and Zayn’s son.

            I held him close to my chest as tears filled in my eyes. Leaning down I whispered quietly into his ear, “Welcome to your family baby boy.” I kissed the top of his head as I felt a hand land soft on my shoulder. Turning me head I saw Morgan standing just behind me. “I want to bring him to Zayn.” My voice is a raspy whisper.

            “Zayn needs his rest right now, Mr. Malik. He’s not doing so well.” She stated the obvious.

            “I don’t care. Zayn needs to see his son.” I raised my voice slightly, my eyebrows furrowing together in frustration. Liam stepped forward.

            “I’ll go with him and bring Jasper back out here after a couple minutes.”

            Morgan sighed, motioning for Liam and I to follow her back. She led us over to the Doctor where they stepped to the side, talking in hushed whispers, but Liam and I could still hear them from where we were stood. I still held Jasper close to me.

            “They cannot go in there. Zayn needs his—“ I heard the Doctor tell Morgan.

            Morgan cut the Doctor off. “I don’t care. This young man needs to see his husband. It’s important.”

            “Very well then.” The doctor sighed in defeat as Morgan walked over to us, he called out to us, “Not too long though!”

            We nodded our heads as Morgan led Liam and I down the hallway to Zayn’s room. She opened the door quietly and allowed Liam and I walk into the room, telling us she’d be back in a couple minutes.

            I looked up at Liam for support as I walked over to the hospital bed once Morgan was out of the room. Liam stood off in the corner, his hands tucked into his pants pockets as he watched me.

            Zayn’s eyes were partly open as I sat down on the chair beside his bed, I took his hand in mine. “Hey Zayn . . .” My voice trailed off as he turned his head to look at me, his eyes widening a bit when he noticed the baby in my arms, “He’s here. Our son is here.” I tilted my arm up slightly so he could see the baby before I placed Jasper carefully into his arms.

            Zayn held Jasper close to him, with some help from me, I watched as Zayn studied his face for a moment before he looked up at me as a smile grew on the baby’s face at the touch of his father. Zayn’s now raspy voiced whispered into my ear, “He’s beautiful just like his Daddy.” 


I hope you guys like it! Kinda a little twist to it!!! 

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