Chapter Two- Past.

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A/N: Hey Guys!!! Sorry for not updating recently, I've been visiting my Grandma. But I'm back!


       I ran across the lobby, which now wasn't as packed as it had been when I'd left,  and over to the lifts I'd been hoping to catch it before the door closed but being my clumsy self I tripped over my own foot and fell. I felt a scorching sting on my finger, it had been covered in coffee but I also automatically knew that my coffee that was once all in my hand was all over someone else when I heard a painful yelp. Quickly, I jumped to my feet to see an all-too familiar looking boy stood in front of me. "I'm so sorry!" I glanced down at my shirt to see patches of coffee stains all over the front of it then I looked back at the boy who was starting to pull his shirt off. "Please let me help you," I pleaded as I pointed towards the lifts. 

Who is this boy? I thought as we walked towards the lifts, I kept glancing over at him trying to remember where I had seen him before and also to distract myself from the stinging pain my finger was in. "So," the strange boy began, his hair was black and was somewhat flat-looking, his white t-shirt hung over his forearm and he wore a stained white tank top, his baggy blue jeans hung low. He was beautiful. The way his light brown eyes shimmered under the low light of the lift revealed something mischevious about him. "I'm Zayn. Zayn Malik" 

I quickly shook myself out of the trance I was put in by his model-like looks when I heard him speak. "Styles. Harry Styles," my raspy voice cracked a little which caused my cheeks to flush a bright red and they only turned a deeper red when I heard Zayn chuckle under his breath. 

I held my hand out for Zayn's shirt as I slide my key card into the lock, "May I have your shirt?" I slid the door to my hotel room open in one smooth motion as I slid the key card out quickly, still holding one hand up for Zayn's shirts. 

"Excuse me?" Zayn choked, sounding completely puzzled as he watched me step into the room. 

"My mum taught me how to remove stains from shirts, I'll take care of your quickly." I turned to him, using the side of my foot to prop the door open, "now give." I held my hand out in front of my, making a grabby hand towards the shirt in his hand. Giving in, Zayn stepped into the room and tossed his shirt into my hand. "And I'm going to need your tank top as well, that's pretty stained as well, now isn't it?" 

At that Zayn protested. "No! No! No!" he began, "I'll just run down the hall and get a new shirt to wear, I can just toss this one. It's not a problem." 

I let the door slam shut as I started to walk towards the bathroom, "Please Zayn? It's my fault your clothes are ruined, let me clean them and you can borrow one of my shirts until tonight when yours are completely done." I pleaded with him, turning the sink water on, first to the cold side and got a towel wet, I set it on the counter beside me for Zayn to take once he was done taking his shirt off then I ran my finger under the cold water to stop my finger from burning. 

He stayed silent for a moment as he thought, then he finally gave in. "Fine, fine." He stepped into the hallway of my room a bit so I couldn't see him take his shirt off, but he didn't know that I could see his reflection through the mirror. He lifted his shirt up and over his head, I couldn't help but sink my teeth into the corner of my lower lip as I watched him slip his white-coffee-stained tank top off. His body was fit and he looked so perfect. Zayn walked into the bathroom and laid the shirt on the counter near the his other one. "Make yourself comfy, I'll be just a moment," I told him as I unwrapped one of those cheap hotel bar soaps that they give you. 

Zayn picked the wet towel up from the counter and placed it over the small burn marks on his chest as he walked out of the bathroom I ran the bar of soap under the warm water flowing from the sink for a second then I began to rub the soap over the spots on the shirts; Zayn had walked over near the bed and was looking around at some of my things. I placed his shirts into the sink filled with water, then I slid my own shirt off, out of the corner of my eye I saw Zayn glimpsing at me through the bathroom room, he was biting his lower lip as I watched his eyes look me up and down but when he noticed me watching him he quickly cleared his throat as his cheeks began to flush a rosey-red then he turned around and rubbed the back of his neck as he pretended he'd been staring out the window the entire time. I chuckled quietly, but pierced my lips to keep it quiet as I rubbed the soap into the stains on my shirt, then I placed it into the sink of water with his. 

Cautiously, I walked into the room and over to the closet area where my close were hung, Zayn was now sitting on the edge of the bed, I felt his eyes watching me with every step I took. Zayn cleared his throat, "You've a really nice body," he had a hint of shyness in his voice and he kept it low as he spoke. 

I chuckled slightly, "Why thank you. You're not so bad yourself, Malik." I said, trying to play hard to get. I pulled a similar shirt to the one that Zayn had been wearing before and tossed it toward him, he took the towel off of his chest and tossed it onto the bedside table, and in one swift motion he pulled the shirt over his head. I pulled a white v-neck from a hanger and slid it on, then I pulled a grey sweater on over it. Zayn and I were practically matching with the shirts we had on. 

"Not so bad? Psh please Styles." Zayn jokingly said.

"Well, if i told you what I really thought I think I might scare you away." I took a step closer to Zayn as I tried to hold back a smirk I felt growing on my lips.

Zayn's lips curved into a half grin as he chuckled under his breath, then he lowered his eyes to the ground as his hand found the back of his neck and moved up and down once in a slow motion. Finally, Zayn raised his head again as he began to speak, "Well then Styles, you better get talking. I really want to know what's on your mind about me." He took a step closer to me as I had done to him, his half grin was a smirk that had the words tease written all over it. 

Slowly, I let the smirk I've been holding back grow on my lips, "Why don't I just show you?" I reached on of my hands up and placed it on Zayn's cheek as I leaned in a bit closer to him. 

Zayn only nodded as I leaned in a bit more, our lips were only inches apart when the door swung open and my mum was stood in the door, quickly I'd backed away from Zayn, "You can keep the shirt mate, I'll bring your other shirts by in the morning once they're dry if that's fine with you." 

Zayn cleared his throat, "That's fine, my room's just down the hall. I'll see you in the morning then." He turned and walked out of the room quickly, his cheeks had begun to turn a faint red from embaressment. 

As soon as the door slammed shut and my mum was stood beside me, I felt my cheeks grow hot, I knew I was turning a bright red. "I don't even want to know," Mum said as I opened my mouth to talk. Although at that moment, I didn't want to talk to her, I wanted to chase Zayn down the hallway and kiss him like I'd planned to do. 

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