Chapter Sixteen-Past.

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The fact that management wanted Zayn and I to break up broke me to pieces but at the same time made me beyond pissed. No matter how many people wanted me to break up with Zayn—and let me tell you a lot of people wanted me to—I would never in a million years leave him. Zayn made me . . . well me, and I know how cheesy that sounds but it is true.

                Our new tour, Where We Are, was starting in just a week, management had told the press that Zayn and I were no longer together and everyone believed it! Did that many people not want us together? We’ve had rehearsals every day for the past couple of weeks and being in the same room with Zayn and not being able to hold him or kiss him was starting to become physically impossible for me and I could see that it was for him to.

                “Is there still something going on between you and Zayn?” Liam came up to me during a break we had. Funny thing is is that I was actually on my way to find Zayn.

                “What? No!” I denied his words, but in doing so I felt my voice crack.

                “Cut the crap mate!” Louis was now stood behind Liam, “We know there is!”

                Now it was Niall’s turn to say something, except he wasn’t alone. The 5 Seconds of Summer lads were with him, they were going on tour with us again. “We see the way that you guys look at each other!”

                I rolled my eyes, Zayn snuck up behind me, “What are you guys talking about?”

                “The fact that you guys are still together and doing an absolute shit job at covering it up. You both have a longing look on your faces whenever you catch a glimpse of each other.” With Louis’ words Zayn slid his arms around my waist and I leaned into him, a defeated sigh escaping my lips.

                “So what’s really going with you guys?” It wasn’t any of my band mates that asked this though, it was Michael.

                It wasn’t me who sighed this time. It was Zayn, I leaned my head just under his chin and I felt him rest his chin against the top of my curly hair, “Management are forcing Harry and I to break up. So we talked about it and we decided that we’d go along with it. . .”

                Everyone had a shocked look on their faces, “You two can’t just break up because of something like that!” Ashton spat out in astonishment.

                “We told the—”              

                “They pulled that same crap with Liam and I! But we both put up an argument and threatened to tell everyone about what they were making us do if they wouldn’t leave us alone. And they did!” Niall seemed a bit offended as he cut Zayn off. He must have noticed the look on my face because he lowered his head a bit, his facial expression dropping a bit as well. “Sorry.”

                I nodded my head to Niall’s apology as Zayn started to talk again. “Now let me finish, Ashton and Niall please hear us out before you say anything else,” Zayn’s chest rumbled lightly against my back as he chuckled quietly, “We told them that we’d break up, but Harry and I are still together! The two of us talked about it and we came to the conclusion that we’d agree with them to break up but we’d continue to date . . . secretly at least. You guys can’t mention us being together to anyone!

                “We won’t,” only six of the seven boys that stood in front of us said in unison, their heads all bobbing up and down as they nodded. Liam was the only one who didn’t agree.

                “That’s absurd!” He cried out, dropping his own arms that were hung around Niall’s shoulders at the point. “That’s far from okay! And both of you know that! Both of you need to go to management and do something about th—“

                I’m the one that cut Liam off, “Liam, what’s done is done and the truth will come out sooner or later, you know that.”

Liam nodded, a sigh escaping his lips. “Alright . . . Fine.”

“Thank you.”

It’s been about an hour since we’ve told the boys the truth and Zayn and I are sat in one of the dressing rooms. Zayn snuggles closely into my chest as I hold him close to me. We’ve been laying in this position for a bit now and it has been quiet, well all but the sound of us breathing.

“Harry?” Zayn didn’t move, he kept his voice at a whisper as he said my name, scared that someone might hear him, “what happens if management does find out that we are still together and they force us to break up?”

“If that does happen, then I, Harry Edward Styles, promise you, Zayn Javadd Malik, that I will take care of them. We’ll do what Liam and Niall said they did and if they don’t listen to us, we’ll figure something else out.”

“I never want to leave you, Harry.” Zayn’s voice cracked, “I think about it every day, what will happen if they do find out? And the thought of us not being together tears me apart inside.” I felt some of Zayn’s hot tears stain my shirt and I pulled him closer to me.

I lowered my head so that my lips were right beside is ear as I listen just loud enough for him and only him to hear me, “I know it does Zayn, it tears me apart too, but I’m not going to leave you—I’m never going to leave you, no one will ever force us apart.” I leaned down then and pressed a soft, tender kiss to his lips.


            It was decided that I would be spending the night with Liam and Niall to make this whole break up thing between Zayn and I believable. As we were walking out to the cars, I noticed that a couple tears had slipped down Zayn’s cheeks and I was quick to wipe them away. I slid one of the necklaces that I had been wearing off of my neck and placed it around his, in the process of clasping it together, I leaned down and whispered into his ear, “Remember what I told you earlier, I’m never going to leave you. This is just part of our story and it sadly has to have this happen. But no matter what I’m always with you now.” I pressed a quick but soft kiss against his lips followed by me wiping a couple more stray tears from his cheeks before running over to Niall and Liam to make it not seem so suspicious, I couldn’t help but glance back at Zayn, I noticed that he now had a smile on his lips as his thumb brushed over the chain I had just placed around his neck.

            This was part of our story, it is a fight that we had to overcome.

            That’s all it is.

            It is something worth fighting for in order to prove to ourselves that our love is something worth fighting for.

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