Chapter Six- Past.

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Throughout the X-Factory Zayn and I had tried to keep our relationship as private as possible. We hadn't told the other boys about it either. Zayn and I had discussed about how we would tell them and the entire world about us, but we hadn't quite figured out the best way to do it; so until we had figured out the best way to tell everyone, we'd act like two mates that were just really close, that also involved me acting a bit more "friendly" with Louis instead, so we wouldn't give too much away. 

It was a week or so after the X-Factor had ended, we hadn't won but we were so close to winning. We knew then that that wouldn't be the last of One Direction because we had decided long before the show ended that no matter what happened we would stay together as a band. 

The boys were due to be at my house any minute now, Zayn and I sat eagerly on my bed, every couple of minutes one of us would turn our head to take a quick glance out the window to see if anyone had yet arrived. Zayn fell back on my bed, obviously annoyed that they're thirty minutes late. I bite down on the corner of my lower lip as I hesitantly moved over Zayn, I placed my legs on either side of his torso so I was straddling his waist. I saw a sly grin form on his lips as he leaned up and crashed his lips into mine. The room grew steamy as his nervous fingers began to undo the buttons of my shirt, I, on the other hand, lifted Zayn's shrit off of him, only breaking the kiss for a second to get it over his head. I slipped my shirt off now and tossed it onto Zayn's shirt that was thrown sloppily on the floor near my bed. 

Just when I had laid my hands on the top of Zayn's jeans someone gasped and it wasn't Zayn. Quickly, Zayn and I both shot up from the bed and fumbled to get our shirts back on, in the doorway stood Liam, Louis and Niall they all stared at us with wide-eyes. 

"I-I always knew there was something...between you two." Louis managed to say, although you could tell that he was hurt, he'd become one of my best mates and he had obviously started to have feelings for me.

"Louis.." I pleaded, "Zayn and I have been together this entire time, we'd known each other only a day before we were put together as a band and then that day we'd started dating." 

Louis eyes showed how hurt he had been, I watched as Niall rubbed his back in a soothing way, I felt like utter shit. Zayn must of known how upset I was when I saw Louis hurt like that for he had pulled me close to him. 

Had I just put our band on the verge of breaknig up all because I was with someone I really loved?

Louis turned to me, he didn't look as upset as he had been before, nodding his head he muttered, "I knew you liked Zayn more than me because of the way you would always look up and stare at him when he walked into a room, I just didn't think I'd find out you guys were actually dating this way," Louis looked ashamed. 

Zayn was ashamed because I saw him lower his head out of the corner of my eye, "I'm sorry Louis, please don't hate Harry for this. We wanted to tell you guys sooner, we just didn't know how."

It took Louis a couple of minutes to think about but he finally realized that Zayn and I were in love and he accepted that fact. 

At this moment everything seemed to be falling into place, I had my best mates here, Zayn was still mine, and now we were about to become the best boy band. What more could I ask for right now? 

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