Chapter Four- Past.

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I was stood on stage beside four other boys, one of which was Zayn Malik, the one I spilled coffee on yesterday, although this time his eyes were filled partly with tears since all five us had not made it through to the judges' That's where I knew him from!  I thought to myself. I must've seen him around here on the set of the X Factor. houses. 

I stood beside a blonde boy with an Irish accent, he wore a black long-sleeved sweater with a white stripped collar. As the judges spoke the only words I heard were, "We've decided to put you both through." I dropped to my knees and pulled my beanie down a bit, the Irish boy beside me grabbed my shoulders then jumped up, the other boys hugged each other and once I stood all five of us shared a group hug. 

Once we were backstage and all huddled together, I began to stare at Zayn, had we just been put into a group together? I thought. 

"I'm Louis," a boy with a squeaky, cheerful voice said. 

"I'm Liam," said another boy whose voice was slightly deeper than Louis'. 

"I'm Niall," the blonde Irish boy said. 

"I'm Harry," I said next, glancing over to the other boys that had just intorduced themselves, but my eyes almost automatically turned back to Zayn. 

"And I'm Zayn," just hearing the sound of his voice made me smile because maybe fate is taking it's course. Maybe we were put into this group together for a reason. 

Once we'd arrived back at the hotel we all went up to my hotel room, where we sat around most of the day trying to get to know each other. Within minutes though, we all could tell that Louis was a huge prankster and was nearly always laughing at something or another. Niall himself seemed to always be laughing at something too. Liam had seemed a bit quiet at first but he eventually started to talk more and put his mind out there. Zayn. Zayn seemed a different person. He was quieter and more shy today than he had been yesterday. But every once in a while I'd see him sneaking a glance at me with a knowing smirk on his lips as to what would come later once all the boys had descended to their rooms and Zayn would somehow manage to sneak his way back down to my room to experience what he wasn't able to yesterday. 

I blocked out all the chatter of the other boys as I watched Zayn out of the corner of my eyes. I was going to kiss him tonight and I was thinking of ways to do it.  Maybe I'd push him up against a wall, placing both of my hands on either side of his head and slowly kiss his lips, a way I'm sure he'd never felt a kiss before. Or maybe I'd grab him by his shoulders and just press my lips to his, or I could start it off the way I had yesterday, talk first and slowly work my way in. 

"We should all dress like Louis. I like his shoes." Niall suggested, breaking my chain of thoughts on how I was planning on kissing Zayn tonight. 

But that was something we'd all agree on within seconds. We said we'd never dress in the same clothes or look the same way, we wanted to be different. 

Liam, Louis and Niall had left at around five to go get changed, we'd decided that we'd go out for a quick dinner then be back and in bed so we'd be ready for tomorrow.

Now, Zayn and I were alone. "Are you ready for me to show you just exactly what I'm feeling?" I hesitantly spoke as I turned towards Zayn. 

"I've beed dying for you to since the second I walked out the door yesterday," Zayn seemed to be taunting me with his words, making it seem like he wanted this more than I did. 

I grabbed Zayn's arms and pushed him gently up against the wall then I moved my hands so they were pressed against the cool wall on either side of his head, I leaned up and hovered my lips in front of his. I looked him in the eyes as I pressed my lips to his softly at first but after a moment I pressed a slow, passionate but loving kiss to his lips, when he kissed me back nearly the exact same way my eyes fluttered shut. Zayn slid his arms around my waist to pull my body closer to his, as he did I wrapped my arms around his neck loosely and pulled away slowly. "Wow," Iheard Zayn mumble as I took a step back, I picked his shirt up from the bed and handed it to him. I wasn't sure what to say, but I knew what I wanted. I wanted Zayn to be mine. 

I cleared my throat, "let's go down to your room then we can meet up with the rest of the boys in the lobby." 

Zayn took my hand in his and led me down the hall to his hotel room where he opened the door and led me inside. "I'll be a minute, I'm just going to put my shirt away. Make yourself comfortable." 

I nodded my head slowly as I sat on the edge of the bed, on the bed side table there was a letter, I glanced over at it and began to read it: 

Today I met a boy, he had perfect emerald green eyes and big, messy, curly hair.He was gorgeous. His name is Harry Styles and he seems like a tease. But I like That about him. There's just something about him that makes me want him. If I ever meet him again, I'm going to ask him to stay a while and maybe even make him mine if he lets me.

"Uhm Harry," Zayn stood behind me, his eyes were wide as I looked at him. "It's not what you think! I swear." 

I stood and placed my hand on his cheek softly, "Zayn, I'd love to be yours." 

"R..Really?" He stuttered in surprise. 

I leaned up and pressed a soft but quick kiss to his lips, "Does that answer your question?" I asked as I pulled away slowly. 

Zayn nodded his head slowly as a wide smile began to grow in the corner of his lips. 

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