Chapter Eighteen-Past

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A/N: So there is only going to be about ten parts left! Then I will be post a new story and if you want to be the main character comment your name below or message it to me. You'll be related to Harry! But I don't want to give too much of it away quite yet!!! I will also be posting an Ashton AU on here, it'll have at least one sequel to it!!!! Anywayysssssss Here's chapter eighteen! Enjoy, like and comment!!!! 


            The Where We Are Tour had come to an end. For the past three years it feels as if the boys and I had been touring nonstop. Zayn flew back to London once the tour ended and I ended up being forced to go to LA by management in order to make the whole break up seem believable.

            It’s been a month now since I’ve seen Zayn.

            I was at the beach that I took him to after we’d stayed in LA for a couple months together. I sat in the sand by myself, tears were beginning to flood my eyes as I looked out at the ocean. I remembered accidentally dragging Zayn into the water and how scared he’d been. Then I looked up to the sky, a quiet sigh escaping my lips as I watched the sun begin to set. I found it a bit funny how under this sunset in this exact spot Zayn and I had talked about breaking up . . . and never leaving each other. I can still remember telling him “That’s impossible because no one will ever be able to love me like you do” and it’s the truth, even to this day. But looking up at this sunset, I wonder what Zayn is doing at this moment. Was he looking at the sunset too?

            I looked down, all these memories were causing my eyes to fill with tears, a couple slipping down my cheeks.

            “Why such a sad face?”

            My head whipped to the side of me, where someone had just sat down, to the mumbled, heavy accent, the face of the owner of the voice was blurry due to the tears that still threatened to fall down my cheeks. “Zayn?” His thin body sat next to me, his hands resting in the sand beside him.

            Without a word, Zayn wrapping his arms around me, enveloping me in his arms and the warmth of his body. It felt like he had never left. I took in every moment and everything about him, the baggy, over-sized hoodie that he wore, his somewhat tight jeans and the smell of his cologne that he wore. And the fact that he was here with me. “Zayn, you’re here.” I whispered, not believing the words that had just left my lips.

            “The past month has felt like years to me, Harry. I couldn’t wait any longer.” I pulled myself back a bit from him and looked up to his eyes that were shinning bright with tears, “I called some people, and took care of some business until I found out where you were.” Using his warm thumb, he wiped a couple of my stray tears off of my cheeks. “And since the band is taking a break for a while, I figured we could build our own home—a new one.” And for the first time in a month, Zayn’s warm lips met with mine.

            “Close your eyes,” I said softly to Zayn as I turned onto a residential street. Within a minute I had pulled the car to a stop in front of the long driveway of mine and Zayn’s new house, since he has yet to see it I quickly glanced over to him to make sure that his eyes were still closed.

            “Where are we, Harry?!” Zayn exclaimed eagerly, sounding like a little child.

            “You’ll see in a minute,” I told him with a light chuckle as I quickly got out of the car and ran around to the passenger side and opened the door for Zayn. Using my hand, Zayn stepped carefully out of the car and I closed the door behind him before we took a couple of steps closer to the house, with me guiding Zayn still. We were stood at the bottom of our curved u-shaped drive way, bright green grass and trees surrounded us on either sides of the driveway. “Okay, open your eyes babe,” I whispered into Zayn’s ear.

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