Chapter Seventeen-Present.

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“Harry, wake up.” I felt someone shaking me lightly, then Zayn’s familiar voice registered in my mind.

            As I opened my eyes I could see that Zayn’s are were half open, “Zayn! You’re up!”

            I felt him pull his arm carefully from underneath the blanket, I watched as he placed the palm of his hand lightly against my cheek.

            Zayn was actually up!

            “Harry, you’re burning up!” He mumbled voice said.

            “Zayn! You’re awake! I’m fine! All that matters is that you’re awake!” I exclaimed, jumping out of the bed from beside him, I was starting to walk over to the door but I fell to the floor, everything started to go black and all the last thing that I remember seeing was Zayn’s worried face, and then I heard him burst into a coughing fit. My body was hot, I could feel it now as I lay against the cold floor before everything went completely black.


A/N: So, a special dedication to @Ziamlovr16 since they were kind enough to let me know what they think. It helped me a lot so thank you. 

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