Chapter Twenty-Three-Present

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A/N: Really Late update! I'm so sorry! I've been super busy and my laptop hasn't been working but big things are going to be happening soon!!!


Zayn kissed the top of the baby boys’ head before Liam took him out of the room and back to the waiting room. “You’re going to be a wonderful dad.” I whisper to Zayn as his eyes slowly flutter shut. “Please don’t leave us.

            My raspy voice wavers as I let out a shaky breath. I struggle to hear the heart monitor because the beeps are too quiet and too distant apart. The intervals between each tone seems to far long and my own heart begins to pump faster as if it will somehow make up for the slow beating of Zayn’s heart.

            The pounding in my head returns as tears threaten to escape my eyes. I close my eyes tightly as a couple tears escape from beneath my eyelids.

            Zayn needs you. Stay for him.

            It is hard staying when knowing that the one you love could leave you at any minute. This is the risk that comes with love, and I have been willing to take that risk since the day I fell in love. But the hope and courage that I normally get from Zayn seems to be failing me now because in a way, I am not with him at all. This is different type of difference than I’ve ever experienced and I don’t like it at all. It is the most painful one I have ever experienced. Even though Zayn is right within my touch, I feel so far apart from him, and the worst part is there is nothing that I can do to bring him back.

            All I can think about right now is how easy it would be to go back just a couple months ago when I would wake up in Zayn’s arms, his soft lips against mine and I would fall asleep the same way. I would go back to life when things were simple. Back when I knew Zayn was with me. Back to when I believed everything would be okay because we had our whole life in front of us.

            Why can’t we just go back? 


A/N: Hey!!! Thank you guys for reading!!! I'll be updating within a week. I just have to finish the next chapter!! Let me know what you guys think of the story so far. I'm almost done with it!! 

Comment and like for more!!!! 

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