Chapter Twenty-Five: Present

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AN: Hey guys! I know I haven't posted in forever but I finally have word again and a laptop that works! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I'm going to have a new story coming really soon! I promise! 


I wake up in a haze as I hear the faint beeping sound that I know oh-so well turn into one long beep that doesn't end. I jump up from my spot on the bed beside Zayn as I turn my gaze to the dark heart monitor screen with a flat green line running across it. Shock fills me as I stare at the screen, my screams begin to echo throughout the dark room.

Strong arms wrap around me from behind and I begin to try to fit them off, but I can't. A blur of white from the doctors' coats blocks my already blurry vision as I call out, "No! Don't hurt him! Let me go!" I struggle in the strong arms that hold me as my barely coherent words mix with my screams. I'm soon dragged out into the hallway as the door closes shut in my face just as I hear the flat line falter.

The strong arms soon let go of me and I begin to tug on the door handle, pounding against the wooden door to get it to open but it won't budge. Slipping down to the floor, my back rests against the wooden doo as my hands cover my face. My sobs and screams fill the hallway.

"They can still save him; they're trying their hardest. They're shocking him right now." I look up to see Liam standing in front of me, his arms red from me scratching at them for him to let me go.

"I can't lose him, Liam. He's my strength. He's what keeps me going." I choke out between my sobs as Liam kneels down beside me.

My body trembles uncontrollably as I beg for the pain to stop. It hurts everywhere. My head, my heart, my chest, my entire body just aches. I'm left feeling numb and empty; all my strength has burned out of me. I can feel Liam watching me with a concerned look on his face, but I ignore him, staring blankly in front of me as I stay lost in my own little world that is slowly falling apart.

I look down to my hand as I feel something cold, small, round and metallic pressed into the palm of my hand. I soon recognize the small object in my hand, my lips part lightly as I try to find the right words to say before I am able to mutter out, "Where. . . Where did you get this. . .?" I turn to look at Liam as I clamp my hand around the small, cold object. My thumb pad traces over the small words that are etched around the sphere.

Before I go, please know that I am trying. Trying to be a better man.

"He told me that this is what he had gone back in for." Liam confesses quietly as he continues to watch me cautiously, unsure of what I'll do next.

Harry, don't you cry now. Close your eyes, everything will be okay. I am right here with you.

"No. . .No. . .You're lying." I sink further into the floor as I take in Liam's words.

Harry, I will try to be a better man. Now take my hand because without you, Harry. . . there is no me.

I take in a deep but shaky breath as I slip my eyes closed. The night before comes rushing back to me even though I don't want it to. Suddenly it all makes sense to me. I try to push my thoughts away but I can't. It's my fault that Zayn is like this. If only I had left just a little bit sooner. If only I had stopped him from going back in. It's all my fault and there's nothing I can do about it.

I love you so much, Harry.

I think back to the falter in the flat line, there still was hope, but is it enough to cling on to?

Guilt tears begin to stream down my cheeks as I let out an angered cry. I open my hand and the small sphere falls from my hand, rolling across the floor as the sound of the metal rolling against the cool tile floors fills the empty hallways; my shoulders shudder as I fall to the ground on my side now, my gaze on the sphere as I make out the words on it as the glisten off the dim light in the hallway.


I don't know how long I had been laying there but I was woken by the doctor shaking me gently, his words faint, "Harry, he's awake now. You can go see him now. . ."

It took me a minute to register his words as my eyes bounced off the white walls of the hospital. I slowly pushed myself off the hospital floor with a soft groan from the ache that filled my body. I took a step into the room and stopped in the doorway. The lights were off in the room but I stood there, my gaze fixed on Zayn's still figure that lay in the hospital bed. His eyes and face lit up from the light on the heart monitor that was now beeping steadily beside him.

With a shaky breath, I stepped into the room and made my way over him, my hand holding onto the sphere tightly as I grazed my other hand over his arm carefully. "Harry. . ." his voice was soft but raspy as my name rolled off his tongue as if it was the only word he knew. I carefully sat myself down beside him, being careful not to tug on any of the wires attached to him. As our gaze met, Zayn opened his mouth to speak in a quiet, raspy voice, his words now rolling off his tongue as if it were his last breath, "If I'm not here you. . ."

"Don't say it." I whispered to him as I cut him off, leaning down I pressed my lips against his plump but soft lips, my eyes slipped closed as I felt his salty tears against my lips that were soon mixed with mine.

As we pulled away, Zayn's hand wrapped around mine and the sphere was the only thing that kept our palms from touching, the words instead were etching themselves into our palms like it was the one thing that would always keep us together. 

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