Chapter Nine- Present.

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A/N: Hey there! So, this chapter at a part is kinda something that I'm going through at the moment because my grandma is in the hospital, she was just diagnosed with cancer. So, I kinda took some of the things I've been told and used them as inspiration to write. 

xx Tei


"Anytime you had to leave me, I missed you so much," I whisper quietly as I gaze down at Zayn's gentle sleeping figure. 

      How could I ever go on if he left me this time--for good? I swallow hard, forcing the thought somewhere in the back of my mind. 

       I hear a quiet knock on the door and I turn my head to see  Zayn's nurse standing in the doorway. She's a young lady--about mine and Zayn's age, she's thin with short, wavy red hair. "Excuse me, Mr. Styles-Malik, can you please step out for a couple minutes so I can check Zayn's vitals." I hesitated to get up but she gave me a reassuring nod, "It's only procedure."

      I look back at Zayn one more time before I leave, his soft skin shimmering in the dim light, his hair fixed into a quiff by me, I leave the room without saying a word. Instead of going out into the waiting room where the others are waiting I walk down the hall a bit to the side door and take a step outside and find myself in the parking garage where I sit down on the cool pavement. 

      Hugging my knees, I lean slowly back against the brick walls,  I welcoming the numbing pain of  the cold pavement against my legs and the chilly air of the night stings against my skin. It's an apropriate reflection as to how I feel on the inside. 

      I hear the side door open and look up to see the nurse standing there. "Oh, I'm sorry," she says as she suddenly notices me sitting on the pavement. "Would you like to go back in?" her voice is hesitant but her voice is gentle which makes me feel like I am a patient just like Zayn is. 

      I shake my head no once. "I think I'll stay out here a bit longer," I say distantly. I expect her to go back inside but to my surprise she sits down beside me.  

       "I've seen a lot of patients come and go, but I am too scared to get close to them in fear that they may pass." She sighs deeply and I can see her look down to her hands from the corner of my eyes. "But I'm starting to think that I'm wrong about that."  I look towards her as she continues, "So I am going to take this oppurtinity to do just that. I want to tell you Harry that you and Zayn have something special. Something I've never seen before. Never before have I seen two people look at each other with such passion, such love as I look at you and Zayn each night. The love you have for each other is powerful." She pauses for a moment before she looks directly at me, "And a love like that is powerful." She stands up, stretching her arms and legs. 

      "Thank you, Morgan." I say quietly, her nurses uniform seems to be glowling in the moonlight. Morgan nods and steps quietly back into the building. 

      Once again, I am left to myself but something within me has changed. The pain I had is still there but it seems that a there's something growing inside me now. It's an all too familiar feeling but then I realise that it is hope. 

      This strange emotion seems to trigger a memory that I have, something that I had learned years ago---that with love comes heartache, and the only way to know how strong your love for one another truly is, is to conquer that pain.  

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