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Kim Mansion

"Eomma, did my hubby bought me anything i want??..." tae asked as he laying on the bed while playing with his Tata plushie.........His favourite toys were scattered around him on the bed........

"Taetae, you're not a baby anymore......stop playing with the toys and behave like a mature boy atleast infront of your husband......" Mrs kim scold her son while packing his dresses in a bag.....Cause tomorrow is the day our tae getting married with an unknown person.......

"Sure eomma, tatae will be a good boy from today, and take care of my hubby....." tae said as he jumped up from the bed with a fake serious face.......

"Baby, i'm worried about you......jungkook has a little anger issues so don't do something naughty......" mrs kim said as he sat beside her son on the bed......

"Don't worry eomma, i will be a good boy to my husband...." tae said as he showed his iconic boxy smile........Mrs kim smiled as she brushed other's hair......

"Can i come in??...."

"Appaaa....." tae stormed towards the door and jumped in his father's hands.....Mr kim catch his son like always.......

"Taetae, are you happy baby??..." Mr kim asked as he kissed on the forhead.......

Tae got down from his appa.....

"I'm happy appa, eomma told my hubby will bought me anything i want......." tae said by clapping his hands and jumping in air.........Mr kim smiled lightly at the fluffball........Mrs jeon is looking at the other worriedily.......

Tae is goings to marry a person who doesn't known or seen.....even he didn't heard the voice......tae will do anything for his parents happiness.....They all worried about tae cause their son is going to live with another person who doesn't know the word patience and live like he is married to the business......And tae is a naughty and innocent boy who believes everyone easily and loves everyone even his enemies.......Melt everyone with his smile.........

Jeon Mansion

"Jungkook, tomorrow is your marriage......why don't you take a leave from your work??....." Mr jeon said by entering his son's room who is getting ready for office.......

"For what??..." jungkook asked nonchalantly by wearing his wrist watch......Mr jeon sighed as he rubbed his forehead.......

"Appa, business is important to me........you're the one fixed this marriage, i agreed it cause i respect you....." jungkook said as he walk past his father who is staring the way his son gone speechless.......

"When did he realize the meaning of love??.....i wish that bubbly can change him....." mr jeon said to himself.....

Jungkook is going to marry taehyung cause of his father's wish......he only care about his business...........mr jeon worried about his son cause jungkook never date anyone before and still don't have such feelings.......At that time mr jeon saw tae on his birthday party in kim mansion and heard that tae can produce heirs........Mr jeon got an idea to make jungkook get married with tae........he wish jungkook will change in tae's smile.....And he can see more bunnies in the mansion.......

Jungkook and tae didn't seen eachother cause jungkook don't want to waste his time for a date......he want to only concentrate on his business.......
The Wedding Day

"Eomma, does he buy me strawberries??..." tae asked by getting up from his chair.....

"Taetae, sit there......" mrs kim said nth time to his son who is getting up continuously by asking some doubts......he doesn't matter if his husband is handsome, tall or intelligent.....he only want a man who treat him like a baby and bought him everything he want.......Tae whined as he sat on the chair, which the makeup artist continued his work.......

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