Parents day. part1

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The silence could be deafening, the time dragging when expectations and longing move the heart making it yearn for the time to go faster than usual, but minutes goes like hours, which become longer than days.

Contorting in between silken bedsheets looking at the unresponsive wall clock perched on the right side of the bed. A sigh emerged from the agitated body. Almost a curse at the dragging time, which had not changed from the last time she had checked.

04.30 am, an ungodly hour, but her internal waking clock. She never understood why the same time, she would wake up, no matter what hour she had slept at. That was how she was, not trying to seek sleep again she tossed around a moment before finally throwing het feet out of the huge engulfing bed, she has dreamed to share with a certain person she dearly love.

Entering the large bathroom which was an entire room itself, she headed to the tube that could receive at least ten people her size, she opened the lid of water, warming the air automatically around her.

She kept her fingers into the curve, to see if it was coming out at the perfect temperature. Lukewarm in a higher degree. Almost burning, standard lukewarm was not her thing.

Putting in all the preparations to make it smell and work magic, to have her skin glowing, she finally removed her silken gown, hung it on the space provided, rather than throwing it away. Unkept areas was not something she partakes in naturally.

Entering the warmth of the water, she exalted, relaxation running over her skin, her nerves automatically calming the moment the salt scent hit her nostril going directly to her brain. Her head rolling on the headrest, she closed her eyes, smiling at the image that immediately popped behind her lashes.

For so long she had wondered if she was normal in the human standards. Yes she had money, but things like dates, flings, joy. None of that ever crossed her mind making her feel abnormal for a long time.

She did not predicted to get hit one day out of the ordinary by a force of the nature in a way no amount of money could ever do. Lord's know she was completely gone, without warning just like that.

Clapping her hands, music started playing through a hidden stereo. A tune that brought a wistful smile on her lips.
" A new day has come" of Celine Dion. An artist she had learned to love because of  the power of her words.

This one was enthralling mostly the part that says " I found my life in the hand of a man" .

Seriously it was the story of her life, with a ' wo ' added to ' man ' massaging her legs then all part of her body with the washcloth for as longer as she could, she exhaled resting a bit in the waters letting the tune played several times, here and there humming along with it mumbling

"ooh,mmm, mmm. Yeah "

Feeling rejuvenated, she finally opened her eyes, the water getting cold not at her taste, she finally stood after rinsing her body feeling completely relaxed she kept humming untill she left the bathroom to go in her bedroom, as she changed room the song did too without stopping.

This was indeed a beautiful and new day. She understood now why after a long time of separation there were always people waiting for boat to come by the port in ancient time with stupid smiles on waving at theirs men coming back home.

Completely on edge, counting the minutes, she saw how not different she was compared to them, all the same applied to her, minus the stupidity she like to think.

"This is pathetic" she thought shaking her head.

Walking around her bedroom she turned to her left, opening a big dressing room that was as immense as the bathroom. Her gaze critically examinated the piece that was placed in its center. An attire specifically designed for the day, aiming a double goals. Nodding she hummed.

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