End of parents day.

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" Can I have icecream?"
Looking at the two women who was talking in lower voices to keep it between them, Lily waited her hopeful green orbs moving from Sam to Amethyst.

Liking her lips rapidly, the brunette with black orbs looked at the one with green eyes, sending a "tell her yourself" Message. Holding her groan inside Sam smiled at the little girl beckoning her to joined them near the driver side of their car where they stood.

"It is a Yes?"

"Honey, it always is a yes. But not now."
After smiling at the endearment term Sam used, under Amethyst shaking head, the little girl smile disappeared replaced by a frown.

"But why??"

"Love remember I told you I promised my clients to meet them here in town? Okay, normally our meeting should be tomorrow. But knowing I will want to have an entire weekend and the next week with the two of you. I preferred to call them to make it all today. Does that suit you? Or if you prefer we can go to..."

Seeing what she was implying Lily shook her head from side to side with determination.

"You will come home after?"

"Baby I left my car at home right?"

Nodding vigurously the small girl hugged Sam waist holding her tight, letting her do her thing Sam caressed her hairs her eyes glued to Amethyst ones.

She was a mess, completely disoriented that one could love like that. The harder she tried to resist or tell herself she could get badly hurt, that is when Sam would go all mother mode with her daughter not caring if people looked theirs ways which they did. Shamelessly staring all notion of privacy forgotten in theirs brain, for the life of her, she was not giving a piece of her time to it.

Letting go of her finally Lily stood aside to let Sam opened the car for her strapped her in making sure her seatbelt was correctly attached before giving her a firm and lingering kiss on her forehead.

"I am coming back tonight if possible or tomorrow as soon as I am done with them. We could do whatever you want or we can sleep it off then tomorrow will be a big day. Smile for me baby? Yeah! That is my girl. I love you kiddo."

Nodding at her Lily kept smiling.

"I love you too Sam. A lot."

"I know right? I'm honored. Now be kind to your mother for me. Will you do me a favor and keep her mind off things while I am not there?"

Shaking her head positively Lily glanced at her mother smiling wide. Her brain calculating quickly the reward that was invariably attached to the request all the time. Knowing what was going on in her mind Amethyst smiled at her, she was so thankful to Sam for doing this.

"I certainly will. Mom can we go at least pay icecream to eat at home. We could wait sam to eat them?"

"Sure love." Closing the door Amethyst looked Sam way with a little smile.

Returning it Sam eyes roamed her body before settling on her bothered face.

"I will do as quickly as I can. I prefer to get rid of it to be completely free."

"Hmm. Come here." With one step Sam was right infront of the woman that changed her life to the best, giving color to things she did not comprehend before. Filling the yearn her heart had felt so long she thought it was a part of her life from the beginning.

"Carpenter you better hurry that appointment will not finish if we do not move now!"

Yelling it from the other side of the parking lot, Pat  shook his head at the lovey dovey eyes they were making standing there like they were in a drama romance. While it was amusing to make that comment in that very moment, it was less when he met eyes with a predator one, pulling his hands up in surrender, he glanced at Sam who was like under a spell or something by the way she had her head resting in Amethyst neck while she held her there firmly for a moment sighing, he felt a tug in his heart at the sight.

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