sleepover 1

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Blinking her eyes at the light of the day, Sam massaged her forehead her soul at peace for once in her life, it was like if the perfume that was all over the bedroom, imprinted on the bedsheets or even on the pillows she was resting her head on, was all she needs to just be.

Not trying to move she closed her eyes back, conscious of the stare that seemed to not want to leave her face, that was the reason she woke up at first, not even meeting her stare she knew it was an intense one, the kind that could read her soul without her saying a words.

Aware that she was awake, Amethyst hand covered her cheek caressing it with her thumb lovingly, contentment coursing through her veins and soul. For the first time since forever she slept all the night, holding her in her arm was just heaven. It was a sensation she couldn't describe, better than having the best thing in life, God knows she has tested it all, always in search of the highest peak of that would make her feel alive.

She did not know it could just take another human being to sleep near her to accomplish that magic. Not champion of one night stand department, even if it occurred at some point through the road. She could, she never bear anyone to do that whenever she would fall asleep she would just wake up in the middle of the night and disappeared.

Never did she ever bring one of those people in her house, but while her thumb traced the outline of Sam face, tracing her nose, the arcade of her eyebrows feeling her breath on her skin, all of it was magical.

Like as pause in the time, she could not tired to look at her, for hours she did never letting go of her peaceful face, every crevices of its shape, the way she managed to make dimples appear on her chin while sleeping, causing a ripple of drums in her heart, a rise of temperature in a room perfectly conditioned, or the weakness in her knee even though she was laying near her.

Just by seeing that small dimple Amethyst knew she could do everything she wanted beyond and up all to please her.

Breathing out she put her hand on the delicate skin of her face in awe at how soft it was, firm and totally fit for her hand. Like in a daze she blinked repeatedly feeling the softness under her palm her breath caught for a moment at how blessed she was. A small smile gracefully formed on Sam rosy lips while her cheeks furiously blush at the meticulous attention she was being submitted to.

Taking advantage of it, Amethyst scouted closer, her right elbow supporting her weight while she leaned above her target her eyes never leaving her face.

She was completely fascinated, and that never occurred. She would appreciate but fascination was the only word that could describe the way she felt for Sam, since the very beginning at the sight of that dimples she was doing at the very moment making it difficult to not take her breath away as she were fantasizing.

Catching a strand of hair that was out of place she swiftly put it behind her ear her fingers lingering on the soft protuberance conscious that it was her touch that directly made the body almost under her shuddered with visible spasms.

Smiling matching the still closed eyes mimic, she withdraw her hand caressing her owner lip with her thumb in the process then laid it on her chest just looking at her dreamingly.

" Morning beautiful. I, I, huh... I wanted to ask you something... I, you... In my entire life I've done things that was not responsible under influence but one of them is a constant source of joy and pride while the other I always ponder how it went."

Opening her eyes blinking because of the light Sam eyes settled on the marvelous face that never fade to amazed her creating a dance of butterflies in all her heart going everywhere in her body.

"Morning honey." The smile that crept on the older woman face said it all, she was delighted that their conversation of the night before was already giving results. She placed her soft lips on Sam forehead then nudged her nose with hers.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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