Stye 12

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"You had fun at the Zoo baby?"

Staring at her from the seat directly in front of her Elena as Emilia started to call her in her mind asked to a glowing Stye. The child was completely changed in one day. It was like time had turned back to was it was before.

She was barely still in her seat enthralled by the beauty of the five stars restaurant they were eating in and speaking theirs head off about the activities they had to do after, the amount of food that already disappeared in her belly startled her mother.

"Lot's. We still have time to go to the museum right?"

When shining eyes met hers the older woman swallowed her food slowly to not have them going the wrong way. It was a dream come true. It was so worth the trouble of her divorce, all the hatred she faced, all of it was worth it.

"Sure love. But first we have to stop by at a shop where I have to retrieve a package."

Wiping her mouth like a well mannered lady, most likely mirroring Elena all movements. Her question already readable in her shining eyes.

"For me?"

Okay, the way she acted all princess like with Elena knowing she was the center of her life made Emilia snorted under her breath. She was becoming a brat under her eyes, but she could not stopped it!

She knew it was only justice for life to give her all she wanted. Plus it was not like Elena did not wants it. The woman already used on them so much money in the small amount of hours they were together, that Emilia wondered if being a principal in Vitally paid that much. She just Knew they would find a balance of some sort in their relationship and that Stye could be spoil without her roots catching the disease, so she let it be.

Leaning in her seat she focused on eating her sandwich, she had to admit it felt good to have someone that did spoil you. She felt like crying at some point, because all the while she had been under much care too.

"Patience love. Patience. Finish your ice cream slowly. I am not going anywhere. I told you that right?"

Nodding with a hum Stye put her spoon of ice cream in her mouth, kept it there while it melted savoring the lemon flavor her eyes never leaving Elena.

"Can I have another one?"

After extracting the small spoon with no noice like her sister would always do making it plopped, she pointed it on the cream.

"Sure love. But you will eat it later, that one is the second and you already ate lasagna with chicken and bread. You all put them in your small tummy, which certainly is already complaining. No way you will have indigestion while we are both with you. We will even bring some for your sisters."

Smiling at her with her cream in the mouth Stye shook her head feeling better than ever, it was like a dream come true! The amount of time she had wished for this!

She even prayed all the nights since they arrived in the new town for the heavens to make the woman she loved as much as her biological mother to visit them often, she really loved her so much it was frightening.

She had thought "maybe she forgot about me? Maybe she was a lie like Maximilian?"

But deep down she knew, it could not be, she knew there were reasons why she could not come.

After their visit to the zoo she told her all about her divorce. How she would love to live here in the town with them, accompanied them at school. She already has secured the job of vice principal in her school. Like really they will be together all days!

She had tried to fall back in her reserved way but it was difficult. She just could not knowing she had a strong mommy to lean to. Her Mom seemed to not be bothered though.

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