they settled 1

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"Yeah!!! You are here!!!!" As soon as the end of the phrase reached her ears Samantha felt a warm body nestled on her chest making her heart erupt in million piece of joy.

The small girl held her tight her arms around her neck while she blocked her feet behind her waist like she was not planning on getting away soon.

Holding her there a big smile spread on her lips Sam made them swirled like ballerinas to hear the small girl explosion of giggles, she was so happy she laughed freely. Mesmerizing the adults around them. It was a sight of a parallel world. For Sam it was everything.

Lilly Pulzer was her joy and pride, since the moment they met eyes she became her everything literally, it was no secret for every one who knew them. For the two overly introvert souls was all but that when they were reunited, the seven years old reaction said it all. Lily happiness was like putting a password in to access some important files that not everyone could have access to.

Chuckling at the sight Amethyst , stood there looking at them a peaceful expression on her face. It served nothing to smile because all her being was in tune with the moment. This was like gazing through an opening of the Nirvana, pure bliss. The promise of more since she was sure Sam was here to stay for all the incoming weeks, two precisely.

Leaning on the young woman other car arms crossed on her chest, she felt accomplished in a way. What was the meaning of life if you do not have the ones you love around you? A waste, a void. It felt like an unstoppable Force made you circle a labyrinth with no chance of finding a way out.

Rolling her tongue inside of her right cheeks, she promised herself to do all that was needed to never go back there. She wanted this so much that if the price was to let all her guards down,  she would be up to it.

She may have not acted on her intention before, when it was needed by fear of going against the general thought. That was not happening again.

Pulling her back from the car, her facial features softened at the sight . Totally taken by it , she was aware people looking at her but who care this was her house, her rules.

It was always and awe for Coral Fletcher, the housekeeper, to see the woman in that state, but she had to admit the moment she saw miss Samantha or Sam like she asked to be called and the way Madame was completely smitten around her she knew things was about to change around the house.

Not to mention the out of this world link, the young woman shared with her daughter who normally was so secretive and alone that it was painful to see sometimes. The girl always have her head down drawing on papers or on her tablet. She was one of those overachiever who never left a task unaccomplish.

Smiling big the moment her eyes met  Sam's green ones, Coral nodded her head in a silent greetings taking her suitcases in both hands rolling them inside of her boss house, she went in without a word under mister Rogers, Lily father, insistent gaze, they met eyes a moment but she was not in any form of relationship with him, not even cordially.

She had learned earlier in this work, that one should know to whom they own their loyalty. Which in this case was not only to Mrs Pulzer but Sam. She knew her life would have been more of hell if the woman had disliked her. She knew many of her friends who had lost their work because the boss wife could not support the sight of them.

However it was clear that the man hate Miss Sam guts, that also was not a secret. He came in the morning pretending he wanted to know how the meeting of his daughter went the previous day. When he saw that the boss was in the practice room with his daughter in the backyard pavillon, he totally decided to wait them.

He tried to get her attention all the morning, asking questions she had no answers to, now he was paying the price of his stubbornness by witnessing what was before him at the moment.

' If he had listen to me.' his eyes was almost popping out, envy was written all over his face. Not blaming herself for not insisting more, the woman disappeared behind the big wodden door closing them behind her

"Ah, princess, that I am here. Your mommy told me you had something to tell me. So here I am, just for you. And I do remember I made a promise to come back yesterday. Which was impossible with the rain. Know what? I will make it up to you."

Smiling bigger at the sound of that the you girl arms around her favorite human being kept her head in the crock of her neck not in a hurry making the two women laughed tenderly at her manner while the man who was left unnoticed intentionally? Silently groaned doing his best to not rolled his eyes still waiting to be acknowledge.

Amethyst next move, had him tightening his jaw, he knew by now the woman forget the meaning of movement restrictions or social distances when she was in the two others presence.

Bitting her lower lip in an attempt to stop her laugh, Amethyst walked relaxed towards the loves of her life, her eyes twinkling something Sam spotted instantly making her feel all fuzzy. Strong arms engulfed them from the side while soft lips lingered on their foreheads.

A sounds escaped the older woman lips which increase the pinkish stain on Sam cheeks. All was said in their eyes which Rogers could not see, but unable to contain herself after kissing the back of her beloved daughter, who she knew was not ungrateful but just missed her other part or twin as she like to said, Amethyst left hand sneaked behind Sam back immediately making circles while her thumb scratched on the way tenderly, something she liked to do that both calm them.

Following an intuition she leaned again this time her lips landed on Sam corner of lips lingering there for at least thirties solid second, she craved to do that for so long it hurt.

Letting go she stepped away meeting Sam's uneasy eyes on a tomato like face, the power she had on her... she liked that so much that she winked at her playfully, Lily not so oblivious of what was going on, kept her face down the solid shoulder, Sam changed of temperature told it all, hiding her smiled she did the one who knew nothing.

"Okay my loves, how about we go in now, it is getting a little cold out there. I believe it will rain again today" Nodding at her words Sam hand on Lily back started doing the same movement her mother was doing on her own back, she could feel her becoming heavy in her arms.

The day was already fading letting place to the evening, a little breeze made her shuddered which had the result to make Amethyst pushed her against her torso sideway with the only goal of  walking them inside like that. 

Looking on her left she almost stopped straight her gaze fixated on the man sitting on one of the porch chair.

"Rogers !? " The moment she finally acknowledging him, the man was astonished by the implications of that attitude. He knew love could blind anyone perception of the world. This was useless.

He was there when they came out of the back house where the practice room was, since his car was parked out there for everyone to see how could she acted all surprised?

As they where already on the porch taking the last step, Amethyst did not stopped whatsoever as the door was opened by one of her man, forcing the other man to follow them inside not even hurt that she just saw him, or that his daughter or Ms Carpenter did not even glanced his way.

After she made sure they were safely in, Amethyst blank face turned to him, by itself making him wondered why he even bother to come when she almost forbid him to do so yesterday. Putting his hands in his pants pockets he stood there powerless under her indifferent stare. He was sure she was more warm with the people working in the house than she ever was with him.

At a noise coming from the hallway she turned her head instantly proving his point by smiling at a man Rogers knew was her chef.

"Ah Paul Eric. You are here. That is wonderful."

Bowing at her the man smile widened at Miss Carpenter sight, who returned it to him while squeezing Lilly in her arms.

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