Parents day. Part 5

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Sam senses were in high alert, the scrutiny was something she had learned to deal with, knowing the Pulzer was a hole package.

Like in some kind of movie going in slow motion but a routine for them, all the administrators and teachers shook theirs hands before they were shown theirs places nonetheless at the far corner in between the others eight parents of the special board and the chairman seat.

That was very visible and ego boasting, not that it matter for her but those kind of symbolic gesture were important for Amethyst, as long as she was happy that was all Sam knew was important.

Amongst the said parents, there were the prominent one, blond, the prototype of the work alcoholic with all the wonder of a total MILF, a real catch, the woman play on it any time she get a chance the list of her exes was impressive, Archeline Mida, a woman in her late fifty's and also Amethyst business partner.

Sam could see it like it was yesterday how she had backpedaled when the day she discovered Amethyst was gravitating around her. How hilarious. To know people really function with codes.

At her left, Lena Armstrong, the wife of a magnate in wide industries but also a golden card to all greatest caritatives events in the town and around the country. To be seen with her was a pass to get know out there.

Peter Hat accompanied by his wife Angelica, both from wealthier families mostly a business union which gave birth to two demons children, Arthur and Bianca, fire and oil, the best recipe to form bullies but weirdly they were inclined on Lily's good side, never had they harm her maybe so young they understood the importance of picking up battles wisely.

Or maybe was it the fact that Lily in the beginning stood up for one child they had bullied once, she had succeed to render a slap to Arthur after witnessing him  hurting another  boy in the same manner.

According to the mark on his cheek, it should have been one solid one. When his sister had tried to be his backup, Matt and some of his friends had jumped in behind her making them run to the teachers to report her.

The footages were very clear though pointing at the real culprits. Arthur had two weeks of detention off school and a slap, a polite one on Lily ego for playing wondergirl. But she had defended herself stating that she did not see those footages been used when the others students being constantly harassed need it the most.

Five years old and already making the committee members at lost of words, and the Hat's more than down by their children behavior, just looking at her letting the words she had uttered holding Sam hand resonated in the big conference room they were gathered in.

"Next time report it sweetie. We promise the rules will be apply." Mrs Alawin had said looking straight in her eyes " violence from now on. We have a deal?" The last part was added holding the Hat's twin gazes.

That was the day Sam started speaking with Angelica Hat who was then unconsolable the woman had cried so much it was an ugly thing to witness not because of her being actually ugly but the pain was very real even her children couldn't lifted theirs head to look around knowing they had pained the one person they cherished in this world.

After a long time trying to bring her to see the good side in everything, they naturally started talking discovering that they shared the passion of images. The woman possessed an art gallery in the  downtown. Sam name had sparked her interest, the blog she held was quite known in the country with its captivating sceneries. That was the beginning of a real kind of friendship.

"Sam! Long time no see!" Moving out of her seat with the definition of poise, she engulfed Sam in a warm hug before kissing both her cheeks warmly.

"Angelica. What can I say. Those photos you praise yourself to be sharing with the world have to come from somewhere."

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